Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - Question [PGD-104]

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DR1-FR053Sombre Révélation Volume 1SR14.00 €
DR1-EN053Dark Revelation Volume 1SR7.00 €
PGD-104Pharaonic GuardianUR7.00 €


Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : Question

Rareté : Ultra Rare

Attribut :

Type Magie : Normale

Edition : Pharaonic Guardian

Id : PGD-104

Texte de la Carte

When activating this card, your opponent cannot check cards in your Graveyard. Your opponent calls the name of the first monster found at the bottom of your Graveyard. If he/she calls it right the monster is removed from play. If he/she calls it wrong, the monster is Special Summoned to your side of the field.