Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - Sakyo, Swordmaster of the Far East [2015-EN002]

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Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : Sakyo, Swordmaster of the Far East

Rareté : Secret Rare

Attribut :

Niveau/Rang : 7

Edition : World Championship Series Promos

Id : 2015-EN002

Texte de la Carte

Echelle Pendule : 10
Once per turn: You can bansih 3 Warrior-Type Pendulum Monsters you control, then target 1 Pendulum Monster you control; if it attacks your opponent directly and reduces their LP to 0 this turn, you win the match.


The dust has now settled on this greatest of battles.
Hail to your victories.

ATK/2900   DEF/2600
