chaos_soldier Hors Ligne Admin Passif depuis le 30/06/2017 Grade : [FYT Winner] Echanges 100 % (754) Inscrit le 31/01/2009 18094 Messages/ 47 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par chaos_soldier le Mardi 13 Août 2013 à 19:21
Le 13/08/2013 à 17:29, Chiantos avait écrit ...
Ce ne sont même pas des règles officiels Konami. -_-"
Sur la source, le terme "officiel" est entre guillemets et il n'est cité nul part que ça vient de Konami.
Et le dernier point, c'est la phrase qui se trouve tout en bas de la page de la source.
"Unless a footnote linking directly to KONAMI's own Database is directly tied to a remark we make, treat it solely as the opinion of the Organization."
En gros, s'il n'y a pas de lien renvoyant vers la base de donnée de Konami, ce n'est pas de l'officiel mais juste déterminé par ce groupe.
Si tu savais lire ce qu'ils ont écrit aussi dans leur article... ils ont édité après mon post en rajoutant le paragraphe que tu cites.. :W
Chiantos Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 11/12/2013 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 13/08/2013 2 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Chiantos le Mardi 13 Août 2013 à 22:42
Savoir lire ? J'ai parfaitement lu ce qu'ils ont mis.
Un paragraphe ? J'ai juste signaler le titre du sujet et la phrase qui est visible sur toute les pages de leur site.
chaos_soldier Hors Ligne Admin Passif depuis le 30/06/2017 Grade : [FYT Winner] Echanges 100 % (754) Inscrit le 31/01/2009 18094 Messages/ 47 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par chaos_soldier le Mardi 13 Août 2013 à 23:17
Le 13/08/2013 à 22:42, Chiantos avait écrit ...
Savoir lire ? J'ai parfaitement lu ce qu'ils ont mis.
Un paragraphe ? J'ai juste signaler le titre du sujet et la phrase qui est visible sur toute les pages de leur site.
Un titre de sujet ça s'édite aussi hein...
Lorsque j'ai mis les infos, ce n'était pas comme ça. J'ai édité les infos comme ils l'ont fait.
Daisuke Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/05/2019 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 04/05/2013 2259 Messages/ 2 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Daisuke le Mercredi 14 Août 2013 à 10:45
Les règles de tag sont pas mal et ne sont pas si différentes de l'animé, ceci dit il y aura trop d'abus comme par exemple les decks cités plus haut ou bien le style self destruct.
Bon la côte de ancienne feuille va devenir 3000 euros XD
ENIGMATIQUE Hors Ligne Modérateur Passif depuis le 06/08/2024 Modération : Profil, Forum, Faq, Articles, Lexique Grade : [Super Modo] Echanges 100 % (74) Inscrit le 07/11/2007 8324 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par ENIGMATIQUE le Jeudi 15 Août 2013 à 15:19
Le 13/08/2013 à 17:30, mtf44 avait écrit ...
Je comprend enfin la semi limitation de Gorz potentielle.
Pas de rapport, en tag, gorz est moins bon qu'en normal si je comprends bien cette règle
Si une carte mentionne une autre carte que "vous contrôlez", les cartes dans les Zones de votre coéquipier sont également comptés comme les vôtres. De la même façon, les cartes mentionnant une carte que "votre adversaire contrôle" compte pour le Terrain des deux Joueurs adverses.
___________________ Ce que l'on conçoit bien s'énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. Nicolas Boileau
Rulebook complet finalyugi
Version 03/2015: mise à jour+index des exemples
Jackoun Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 06/02/2014 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges 100 % (1) Inscrit le 14/08/2012 26 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Jackoun le Vendredi 16 Août 2013 à 11:21
Ce serait cool si des boutiques pouvaient faire des tournois en tag maintenant qu'ils ont leurs règles officielles !
___________________ Ma liste :
YliasterKaito Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 20/10/2016 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 25/06/2012 865 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par YliasterKaito le Vendredi 16 Août 2013 à 17:25
On a pas attendu d'avoir des règles officielles à Besançon x) 1 par an c'est une sorte de tradition quoi
dragon_rose Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 11/07/2015 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges 100 % (46) Inscrit le 07/02/2010 802 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par dragon_rose le Vendredi 23 Août 2013 à 16:27
Si j'ai bien compris l'histoire des tours final count down est completement abusé en tag, nan? 16000 lp, 6 gardna zero, 6 attaque de l'epouvantail,6 BF, 6 rugissement menacant, 6 waboku, 6 tonerre du maitre, en plus le tour de l'allié compte!
Il ne faudrait se défendre que 10 fois pour gagner ?
LukyStarQuasar Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 04/06/2014 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 24/09/2012 48 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par LukyStarQuasar le Samedi 24 Août 2013 à 17:06
Franchement...., La version Ocg est la meilleur version pour jouer le tag duel...
La version Tcg je la trouve trop complexe dommage faut faire avec.
chaos_soldier Hors Ligne Admin Passif depuis le 30/06/2017 Grade : [FYT Winner] Echanges 100 % (754) Inscrit le 31/01/2009 18094 Messages/ 47 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par chaos_soldier le Vendredi 27 Septembre 2013 à 07:40
MAJ des règles par Konami pour le YCS de San Mateo :
Q: What are the rules for Tag Dueling?
A: Basic Rules
The Match is between two teams; of two Duelists (designated Duelist A and Duelist B). Teammates are seated next to each other with the team on the opposite side of the table.
For a tournament, each Duelist designation (A or B) is chosen at the start of the tournament and never changes.
Duelist A is the first name listed on the Team Registration Form. Duelist B is the second name listed on the Team Registration Form.
Each Duelist has 5 Monster Card Zones
Each Duelist has 5 Spell & Trap Card Zones.
Each Duelist has their own Field Spell Card Zone.
Each Duelist has their own Deck Zone & Extra Deck Zone.
Each Duelist uses their own Deck (2 Decks per team).
Each Duelist has their own Graveyard. (Duelists may use their teammate’s Graveyard as if it was their own.)
Duelist 1A activates Call of the Haunted. He may target a Monster Card in his teammate’s Graveyard.
Duelist 2A has 2 different “Lightsworn” Monsters in his Graveyard. His teammate has 2 “Lightsworn” Monsters that are different than Duelist 2A. Either player (on their turn) is able to Special Summon Judgment Dragon as both players have 4 different “Lightsworn” Monsters.
Duelist 1A has 1 LIGHT Monster in his Graveyard. Duelist 1B has 1 DARK Monster in her Graveyard. Either player (on their turn) may Banish both of the Monsters to Special Summon Chaos Sorcerer.
Duelist 1A has 2 DARK Monsters in her Graveyard. Her teammate also has 2 DARK Monster in his Graveyard. Neither Duelist can Special Summon Dark Armed Dragonas combined, both players have more than 3 DARK Monsters.
The Team has a combined Life Point Total of 16,000. (if it reaches zero, the team loses)
There can only be 1 Field Spell Card in play at a time, just like a 1-on-1 Duel.
Each Duelist has their own Extra Deck. (Duelists my only summon from their own Extra Deck and not their teammates.)
Any member of a team may use any Monster Cards in play on their team’s side of the field for Tribute Summons, Ritual Summons, and Extra Deck Summons (Example: You may use your teammate’s monster for a Tribute Summon).
Duelist 1A has a face-up Level 4 Monster on his side of the field. His teammate may use that monster to Xyz Summon Number 39: Utopia.
Duelist 1A has a set Monster on her side of the field. Her teammate may Tribute that monster to Tribute Summon Jinzo.
Teammate’s may not activate Spell Speed 1 effects (Ignition Effects, Normal Spell Cards, etc) that are on their teammate’s side of the field.
Duelist 1A has a face-up Cannon Soldier on his side of the field. His teammate may not activate the effect of Cannon Soldier on his turn.
Duelist 1A has a set Dark Hole on his side of the field. His teammate may not activateDark Hole on his turn.
Teammates may talk, compare hands, and share information freely and with each other. Teammates must come to an agreement before making plays involving each other’s cards. Any communication must be verbal, in a language both teams can understand and loud enough for the other team to hear.
A team loses if the team’s Life Points reach zero or either Duelist on the team cannot draw a card from their Deck when required to.
If a Duelist reaches a special win condition (such as Final Countdown or Exodia the Forbidden One), that team wins.
Limited Cards are counted per team and not per Duelist. So, for any given Limited Card, each team could include 1 copy in either Duelist Deck, making a total of 1 copy that team can use.
Duelist 1A has a copy of a Limited card in her Main Deck. Her teammate’s Deck (which includes Main, Side, and Extra Deck) may not contain that card.
Semi-Limited Cards are counted per team and per Duelist. So for any given Semi-Limited Card, each team could include 2 copies in any combination between the team’s Decks (Example: Duelist A can run 2 copies of Mirror Force, but Duelist B cannot run any copies. If Duelist A runs 1 copy of Mirror Force, Duelist B can run a copy as well, for a team maximum of 2 copies)
Duelist 1A has a copy of a Semi-Limited card in her Side Deck. Her teammate’s Deck (which includes Main, Side, and Extra Deck) may contain one copy of that card, so combined the team is running the maximum of 2 copies.
Both Duelists on a team can have up to 3 copies of a card that is not on the Forbidden and Limited list. (Example: Both Duelists on a team may each run 3 copies of Mystic Tomato, for a total of 6 copies amongst the team).
Duelist 1A has 3 copies of a non-Limited card in his Deck. His teammate’s Deck (which includes Main, Side, and Extra Deck) may also contain 3 copies of that card.
Turn Procedure
Duelists on the same team sit next to each other, Duelist A sits on the right of Duelist B. Team 1 is Duelists 1A & 1B and Team 2 is Duelists 2A & 2B. The turn order starts with Duelists A of the team that is chosen to go first and then alternates between teams.
Duelist A from each team will always be the first two Duelists to play.
The first Duelist who can make an attack is the Duelist who goes fourth. (In the example below, Duelist 2B).
Turn order:
Team 1 Duelist 1A
Team 2 Duelist 2A
Team 1 Duelist 1B
Team 2 Duelist 2B
Team 1 Duelist 1A
*Continue until one team wins
Tag Dueling Matches are run in best-of-one Duels format.
Tag Dueling rounds are 40 minutes in length.
Tag Dueling rounds utilize the Tier 1 End of Match procedures.
Turn Duelist will end his/her turn, and each other Duelist will count as the (3) Extra Turns.
The active Duelist can only attack with Attack Position monsters that are in their own 5 Monster Card Zones. Duelists may not attack with their teammate’s monsters.
If there is a monster on the opponents’ side of the field (in either Duelist’s Monster Card Zones) then it must be attacked before an attack of their Life Points directly.
Additional Rules
During a Duelist’s turn, either opponent may activate Spell Speed 2 or higher effects (just as they could in a standard Duel). The teammate may also activate Spell Speed 2 or higher effects (as if it was an opponent’s turn).
Duelist 1A declares an attack on Duelist 2A’s face-up Monster with his own LIGHT Monster. Any of the 4 Duelists may activate the effect of Honest.
When a Duelist activates an effect or performs an action, each other Duelist must be given the opportunity to add an effect to the chain or respond to the action before it is resolved. The order of Duelists who get to decide who responds next is the same as the turn order and all Duelists must pass in order to resolve the chain or resolve the action.
Duelist 1A activates a Spell Card. The first Duelist who is eligible to add to the chain is Duelist 2A, followed by 1B, followed by 2B, etc. If Duelist 2A chooses not to add any effects to the chain and Duelist 1B adds to the chain (Chain Link 2), Duelist 2B may not activate a Counter Trap Card to counter the effect in Chain Link 1.
If multiple trigger effects activate at the same time, the turn Duelist’s effects will be added to the chain first, followed by their teammate’s effects, and finally the opponents’ effects (in an order of their choosing).
Card effects that count turns count all appropriate turns.
Swords of Revealing Light is activated by Duelist 1A of Team 1. Team 2 cannot attack on Duelist 2A’s next turn (1 turn), Duelist 2B’s next turn (2 turns), and Duelist 2A’s turn after that (3 turns). Swords of Revealing Light will be destroyed at the end of that turn, because three opponents’ turns have passed.
Final Countdown counts the turns of each individual player (all 4 Duelists).
Card Effects
If a card specifically states it affects an “opponent”, and any part of the card’s effect affects your opponent’s hand, Deck, Extra Deck, Graveyard, or Banished Zone, then the Duelist activating the card effect must choose the opponent sitting directly across from them.
Duelist 1A activates Secret Barrel. Only the cards for the opponent sitting directly across from him will count for its effect.
Dueliast 1A activates Smashing Ground. Duelist 2A activates Dark Bribe. Once Dark Bribe resolves, Duelist 1B will draw the card off of the effect of Dark Bribe as Duelist 1B is the one seated directly across from Duelist 2A.
If a card affects only your opponent’s side of the field, it affects the entire side, or both opponents.
If a card specifically states it affects all Duelists, Monsters, Spells, or Traps, then it affects both Teams (all 4 Duelists.)
If a card affects “both Duelists” or “each player,” then the Duelist activating the effect and the opponent sitting directly across from them are affected.
Duelist 1A has Hand Destruction and two other cards in her hand. Duelist 2A only has one card in hand but Duelist 2B (Duelist seated directly across Duelist 1A) has 2 cards in hand. Duelist 1A can activate Hand Destruction as it only counts the Duelist activating the card and the Duelist sitting directly across from him.
If a card references another card that “you control” or “your” hand, Deck, Extra Deck, Graveyard, or Banished Zone, it counts cards in your teammate’s Zones as well as your own. In the same way, cards that reference a card “your opponent controls” count both opponent’s sides of the field.
Duelist 2A and 1A each have a Monster on their side of the field. Duelist 1B may not Special Summon Cyber Dragon as his teammate controls a monster.
Duelist 1A has a face-up Vanity’s Emptiness. If a card is sent from Duelist 1B’s Deck or side of the field to the Graveyard, Vanity’s Emptiness is destroyed.
Duelist 1A has a face-down Spell/Trap Card. His teammate may not activate the effect of Treeborn Frog that would Special Summon itself from the Graveyard as his teammate controls a Spell/Trap Card.
A Duelist can allow their teammate to use monsters in their Monster Card Zones as Tribute Summons, Ritual Summons, Extra Deck Summons, or for other appropriate card effects.
Cards Set by a Duelist can be viewed by the teammate, but they must be activated by the Duelist who Set them.
“Owner” means the same thing as a standard Duel. The “owner” is the Duelist who’s Deck the card started in
If a card effect prevents your opponent from performing an action, it prevents both opponents. If a card prevents you from performing an action, it prevents your teammate as well.
Duelist 1A has a face-up Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer on his side of the field. Neither Duelist 2A and 2B may Banish cards from their Graveyards.
Duelist 1A activates Reckless Greed. His team will skip its next 2 Draw Phases.
Cosaque5 Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 17/11/2020 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges 100 % (53) Inscrit le 23/03/2014 1138 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Cosaque5 le Mardi 05 Août 2014 à 15:01
Yo ! Petite question , si j'utilise l'effet de chaîne lavalval est ce que je peux meuler une carte du deck de mon coéquipier ?
___________________ Ma liste :
Mon deck boxeur indomptable :
Daisuke Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/05/2019 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 04/05/2013 2259 Messages/ 2 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Daisuke le Mercredi 06 Août 2014 à 14:47
Le 05/08/2014 à 15:01, Cosaque5 avait écrit ...
Yo ! Petite question , si j'utilise l'effet de chaîne lavalval est ce que je peux meuler une carte du deck de mon coéquipier ?
Je pense pas, sinon double yang zing et gg
ENIGMATIQUE Hors Ligne Modérateur Passif depuis le 06/08/2024 Modération : Profil, Forum, Faq, Articles, Lexique Grade : [Super Modo] Echanges 100 % (74) Inscrit le 07/11/2007 8324 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par ENIGMATIQUE le Jeudi 07 Août 2014 à 00:37
Le 05/08/2014 à 15:01, Cosaque5 avait écrit ...
Yo ! Petite question , si j'utilise l'effet de chaîne lavalval est ce que je peux meuler une carte du deck de mon coéquipier ?
If a card references another card that “you control” or “your” hand, Deck, Extra Deck, Graveyard, or Banished Zone, it counts cards in your teammate’s Zones as well as your own. In the same way, cards that reference a card “your opponent controls” count both opponent’s sides of the field.
Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card to activate 1 of these effects;
● Send 1 card from your Deck to the Graveyard.
● Choose 1 monster from your Deck and place it on top of your Deck.
___________________ Ce que l'on conçoit bien s'énonce clairement, et les mots pour le dire arrivent aisément. Nicolas Boileau
Rulebook complet finalyugi
Version 03/2015: mise à jour+index des exemples
Gadget Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 01/09/2024 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges 100 % (7) Inscrit le 03/01/2011 11553 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Gadget le Jeudi 07 Août 2014 à 11:19
Le 06/08/2014 à 14:47, Daisuke-Aniki avait écrit ...
Le 05/08/2014 à 15:01, Cosaque5 avait écrit ...
Yo ! Petite question , si j'utilise l'effet de chaîne lavalval est ce que je peux meuler une carte du deck de mon coéquipier ?
Je pense pas, sinon double yang zing et gg
Yang Zing Tag c'est possible du coup.
Daisuke Hors Ligne Membre Inactif depuis le 25/05/2019 Grade : [Kuriboh] Echanges (Aucun) Inscrit le 04/05/2013 2259 Messages/ 2 Contributions/ 0 Pts | Envoyé par Daisuke le Jeudi 07 Août 2014 à 11:48
Le 07/08/2014 à 11:19, Gadgetoftronik avait écrit ...
Le 06/08/2014 à 14:47, Daisuke-Aniki avait écrit ...
Le 05/08/2014 à 15:01, Cosaque5 avait écrit ...
Yo ! Petite question , si j'utilise l'effet de chaîne lavalval est ce que je peux meuler une carte du deck de mon coéquipier ?
Je pense pas, sinon double yang zing et gg
Yang Zing Tag c'est possible du coup.
Ouaip totalement, ce stall de porc tu imagines?