Erreur dans la requête SQL : SELECT a.uid, a.time, b.membre, b.num_level, c.uid as uid_mod, d.num_rub, e.rub
FROM profil_session a
LEFT JOIN profil_user b ON a.uid = b.uid
LEFT JOIN forum_mod c ON a.uid = c.uid
LEFT JOIN rub_axx d ON a.uid = d.uid
LEFT JOIN rub e ON d.num_rub = e.num_rub
WHERE a.uid != 0
AND a.rub = 'forum'
AND a.url LIKE '%-viewtopic-22-46822%'
GROUP BY a.uid
ORDER BY b.membre Message d'erreur : Table './finalyug/profil_user' is marked as crashed and should be repaired Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/finalyug/www/mc6/librairies/sql.php on line 135 Erreur dans la requête SQL : SELECT a.*, b.post_text, c.membre, c.is_view_signature, c.signature, c.num_etat, c.date_contrib, c.date_connection
FROM forum_post a
LEFT JOIN forum_post_text b ON a.post_id = b.post_id
LEFT JOIN profil_user c ON c.uid = a.poster_id
WHERE a.topic_id = '46822'
ORDER BY a.post_id
LIMIT 1380, 15 Message d'erreur : Table './finalyug/profil_user' is marked as crashed and should be repaired Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/finalyug/www/mc6/librairies/sql.php on line 135 [ EdajimA'S LisT ]