Bonjour, j'aimerais savoir si des personnes ont obtenu le grandmaster of the six samurai en secret rare dans les strikes of neo? En effet jai vu sur upperdeck cette news:
"Secrets of the Grandmaster
Were you unable to get to the Strike of Neos Sneak Preview? Miss out on the amazing and brand new “Grandmaster of the Six Samurai” promotional card? Don’t worry! “Grandmaster of the Six Samurai” can still be yours, because he’s a Secret Rare in Strike of Neos booster packs!
Secret Rares are special cards with rainbow foil pictures and card names. The promotional “Grandmaster of the Six Samurai” from the Sneak Preview was a Super Rare, so a Secret Rare “Grandmaster of the Six Samurai” is a real treasure. It could be hiding in a Strike of Neos booster pack in a store near you.
The “Grandmaster of the Six Samurai” card is exclusive to North & South America, Europe, and Australia. That means you can’t find it or Duel with it in Japan."
En gros pour les anglophobes il est dit que si on a loupé cette promo des previews il était possible de lavoir en secrete dans les ston. Sauf qu'il est question de booster pack. c'est une mini tin box? De plus, sur ultrajeux il ny a pas de grandmaster en secrete...
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