est-ce que l'on peut l'invoquer par autre chose que prison de la tour de l'horloge ?
tu peux l'invoquer normalement et il n'aura pas les effets suivants : "If this card was Special Summoned by "Clock Tower Prison", destroy all monsters you control (except for "Destiny Hero" monsters), then you can Special Summon up to 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters from your Graveyard."
tu peux l'invoquer par invocation spéciale autrement et il n'aura pas les effets suivants : "If this card was Special Summoned by "Clock Tower Prison", destroy all monsters you control (except for "Destiny Hero" monsters), then you can Special Summon up to 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters from your Graveyard. During the turn this card is Special Summoned, "Destiny Hero" monsters you control cannot be destroyed, and you take no Battle Damage when they battle"
ou bien par l'effet de marchant de peur DH ?
oui tu peux
et si l'on peut, son atk et sa def et quand-même l'atk et la def de tous mes monstre héros de la déstiné additionné ?
Rulings additionnels (au cas où) :
- "Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster's" second sentence is applied if he is Special Summoned by any method, not just by the effect of "Clock Tower Prison".
- "Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster's" first effect (to destroy your non-"Destiny Hero" monsters and Special Summon 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters) is a Trigger Effect and his other effects are Continuous Effects.
- Destroying all your non-"Destiny Hero" monsters and Special Summoning 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters is resolved in the same chain link. Even if you have no monsters that will be destroyed you still get to Special Summon 2 "Destiny Hero" monsters.
- If you have any face-down "Destiny Hero" monsters, they will be destroyed, because their names cannot be confirmed.
- If "Royal Oppression" is face-up on the field you can activate its effect to negate the Special Summon of "Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" when he is Special Summoned by the effect of "Clock Tower Prison". If your "Royal Oppression" is face-down when "Clock Tower Prison" is destroyed, you can chain its activation (flipping it face-up) to the effect of "Clock Tower Prison". "Royal Oppression" will resolve first, and be face-up when "Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" is Special Summoned, and then you can activate its the effect of "Royal Oppression" when "Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster" is Special Summoned in order to negate the Special Summon.