Voici le ruling de [Compte à rebours final], il répond à tes questions.
You count turns for "Final Countdown" like this: Turn 1 is the turn you activate it, Turn 2 is your opponent's turn, Turn 3 is your turn after you activated "Final Countdown", etc.
"Final Countdown" is immediately sent to the Graveyard when it resolves.
You can activate "Pyro Clock of Destiny" to advance the turn count by 1 for "Final Countdown". "Final Countdown" does not have to be on the field when you use "Pyro Clock of Destiny".
You win when the 20th turn ends, before the Draw Phase of the 21st turn.
When your opponent chains "Imperial Order" to your "Final Countdown", the effect of "Final Countdown" is negated and you cannot start counting turns. But if "Final Countdown" is activated and resolves, and later "Imperial Order" is activated, it will have no effect on "Final Countdown" because "Final Countdown" will be in the Graveyard.
When you activate "Final Countdown", and your opponent activates "Final Countdown" during his next turn, and then uses "Pyro Clock of Destiny" to advance his "Final Countdown" by 1, both "Final Countdowns" win at the same time and the Duel is a DRAW.
Il est dit que si un jeton devait être envoyé dans le Ciimetière, le Deck, la Main ou être retiré du jeu, il disparaitrait.
Le [Cercle d'enchantement de Pikeru] concerne les dommages infligés par des effets de carte, la question ne se pose donc pas.
Pour la dernière question, je ne suis pas certain, mais voici ce que je pense, imaginons que l'adversaire ait activé, disons, [Dian Keto le maître guérisseur], tu chaînes avec [Jarre d'avidité] et tu pioches la partie manquante, tu peux immédiatement déclarer victoire. En revanche, tu actives [Charité gracieuse], tu pioches trois cartes, et tu te retrouves miraculeusement avec les 5 parties en main, malheureusement, tu vas devoir te défausser de deux cartes pour que l'effet soit entièrement résolu, donc adieu exodia !
[ Dernière modification par seiyaryu le 30 jui 2006 à 12h08 ]