Le 11/12/2014 à 00:51, chaos_soldier avait écrit ...
BRAND NEW! 21 new cards, all in Gold Secret technology, including cards for Blackwing, Stardust, and HERO Decks!
21 nouvelles cartes ? Ok, donc autant dire les cartes du
Premium Pack 17 japonais qui sortira en mars 2014 (qui contient 20 cartes... auquel se rajoutera sans doute une exclu OCG actuelle) ?
D'ailleurs, pour l'heure on connaît toutes les cartes qui seront dedans (bon par contre elles sont relativement illisibles).
Tirée du chapitre spécial du manga Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx paru cette année :

Masked HERO Anki (carte de Judai Yuki)
Effet illisible.
Tirées du manga Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's :

Junk Giant (carte de Yusei Fudo)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : If your opponent controls a Level 5 or higher monster, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand).

Rose Lover (carte de Aki Izayoi)
Effet illisible.

Rose Paladin (carte de Aki Izayoi)
Effet illisible.

Absolute King Back Jack (carte de Jack Atlus)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : During your opponent's turn: You can banish this card from your Graveyard; draw 1 card, then if that card is a Trap Card, you can activate it immediately.

Hellfire Boatwatcher, Ghost Charon (carte du Chevalier Squelette)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : You can Synchro Summon using this card and a DARK monster in your Graveyard.

Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn (carte de Crow Hogan)
If you control a "Blackwing" monster other than "Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can only Special Summon "Blackwing - Kris the Crack of Dawn" once per turn this way. Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by Spell/Trap effects.

Blackwing - Pinaka the Waxing Moon (carte de Crow Hogan)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : When this card is destroyed, you may add any Blackwings in the Graveyard to your hand.

Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight (carte de Crow Hogan)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : 1 "Blackwing" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Special Summoned from the Graveyard: Target 1 face-up monster on the field (if possible); that target (if any) loses 800 ATK, also inflict 800 damage to your opponent.

Blackwing Tamer - Hawk Joe the Jet Black (carte de Crow Hogan)
1 "Blackwing" Tuner + 1 or more "Blackwing" non-Tuner monsters
You can target 1 Level 5 or higher Winged Beast-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it. During either player's turn, when this card is targeted by an opponent's card effect or for an attack: You can target 1 other face-up "Blackwing" monster you control that could have been targeted for that effect/attack; that effect/attack now targets that monster. You can only use each effect of "Blackwing Tamer - Hawk Joe the Jet Black" once per turn.

Dragocytus, the Impure Underworld Dragon (carte du Chevalier Squelette et de Rex Goodwin)
Effet illisible.

Parallel Twister (carte de Yusei Fudo)
Send 1 other Spell/Trap Card you control to the Graveyard, then target 1 card on the field; destroy it.

Stardust Re-Spark (carte de Yusei Fudo)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : When an opponent's Special Summoned monster attacks you directly, draw 1 card and Special Summon 1 "Stardust" in Attack Position.
Tirés du manga Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL :

Pero Pero Cerberus (carte de Yuma Tsukumo)
Effet illisible.

Tristan, Knight of the Underworld (carte de Kyoji Yagumo)
Effet illisible.

Isolde, Belle of the Underworld (carte de Kyoji Yagumo)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : If you control "Tristan, Knight of the Underworld", you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). Up to twice per turn: You can target 1 Zombie-Type monster on the field that has a Level, then declare a Level from 4 to 8; it becomes that Level.

Cat Shark (carte de Ryoga "Shark" Kamishiro)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : ? Level 2 monsters
You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; double the ATK of all face-up Rank 4 or lower Xyz Monsters you currently control, until the End Phase.

Number 14: Greedy Sarameya (carte de Kyoji Yagumo)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : ? Level 5 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; any damage you would take during this battle is inflicted to your opponent instead, also destroy 1 face-up monster your opponent controls with less ATK than the destroyed monster.

Number 21: Frozen Lady Justice (carte de Kyoji Yagumo)
Effet illisible

Number 95: Galaxy Eyes Dark Matter Dragon (carte de Kaito Tenjo)
Effet (dans le manga, pas imprimé sur la carte illisible) : ? Level 9 monsters
Cannot be destroyed by battle except with "Number" monsters. When this card is Special Summoned: You can banish any number of Dragon-Type monsters from your Deck; banish an equal number of monsters from your opponent's Deck. This card gains ATK equal to the combined ATK of the Xyz Materials attached to it. If this card battles, after damage calculation: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; this card can make a second attack in a row. When this card battles an opponent's monster: You can banish both the opponent's monster and this card.
Ça me fait quand même sourire : le booster japonais du Premium Pack 17 avec Yuya Sakaki en couverture... qui regroupe des cartes de toutes les dernières séries sauf
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V !