Je vous mets aussi la video :
Monstres :
-3 Effect veiler
-2 Maxx c
-3 Tour Guide From the Underworld
-1 Tour Bus From the Underworld
-1 sangan
-1 Wind-Up Rabbit
-3 Wind-Up Magician
-3 Wind-Up Rat
-3 Wind-Up Shark
-2 Wind-Up Hunter
Magies :
-3 Wind-Up Factory
-1 Pot of avarice
-2 Mystical Space Typhoon
-1 Heavy storm
-1 Dark hole
-1 Book of moon
-1 Reborn monster
-1 Mind control
Pieges :
-1 Solemn Judgment
-2 Solemn warning
-2 Torrential Tribute
-2 Fiendish Chain
Extra :
-1 Stardust Dragon
-1 Black rose Dragon
-1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
-1 Ally of Justice Catastor
-1 Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
-1 Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
-1 Wind-Up Arsenal Zenmaioh
-1 Number 39: Utopia
-1 Leviair the Sea Dragon
-1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
-1 Wind-Up Zenmaines
-1 Number 20: Giga-Brilliant
-3 Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
A vos Avis smile !
D'autre video vont suivre, des duel et deck etc ..