[TCG] Star Pack - Pack Etoile 2013 : Escuridao va devenir légal !

Posté le Dimanche 27 Janvier 2013 à 15:16 par chaos_soldier (5706 lectures)

Un nouveau produit vient enfin d'être confirmé après plusieurs semaines de rumeurs à son sujet. Il s'agit du STAR PACK - Pack Etoile 2013, qui sera très semblable au Battle Pack 1 : Aube Epique que nous avons eu en 2012.

Dès le 21 février, retrouvez chez ultrajeux, les cartes Pack Etoile 2013, le booster Pack Etoile 2013 et les boites de boosters Pack Etoile 2013.

Plus d'infos dans la suite de la News !

“In 2013, Dueling and collecting are as easily affordable as never before: Star Pack – 2013 is an all-new product type with an SRP of only $.99!

Each pack contains 3 randomly distributed cards with 1 guaranteed Starfoil Card. The cards are taken from a set of 50 cards which are all available as Commons AND as Starfoils. This means a whole bunch of cards never seen before as Starfoils, and a great value for money.

The set Star Pack – 2013 contains some of the greatest cards from the first season of the new TV show Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL like Goblindbergh, Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon or Number 34: Terror-Byte, so here is an easy way for fans of the show to get their hands on cards played by Yuma and his friends and opponents.”

De plus, pour la partie Europe, voici un petit plus qui a été confirmé :

"Additionally, there are 12 special cards in this set from the older TV series about Yugi, Jaden and Yusei - 7 of which were never released in Europe! Players and collectors now have the chance to cards like Arcana Force Ex - the Light Ruler, Meklord Emperor Wisel or Elemental HERO Escuridao!"

L'extension contiendra 50 cartes, toutes disponibles en Commune et en Starfoil dans l'extension.
Un booster comprendra 3 cartes, 2 Communes et 1 Starfoil.
Sortie prévue le 1er Mars 2013, une semaine avant la Tin Box ZeXal.


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