[OCG] Starter Deck Arc-V [40/40]

Posté le Mercredi 19 Mars 2014 à 07:48 par chaos_soldier (7175 lectures)

Le spoiler du Deck de Démarrage introduisant les Invocations Pendulum est désormais connu, tout comme son Power Pack !
Venez le découvrir dans la suite de cette news !

ST14-JP001 Electro-Dragonqueue
ST14-JP002 Dragon Etincelant
ST14-JP003 Dragon Chasseur
ST14-JP004 Bouclier du Millénium
ST14-JP005 Sombrelame
ST14-JP006 Dai Grepher le Guerrier
ST14-JP007 Chambellan des Six Samouraïs
ST14-JP008 Elfe Mystique

ST14-JP009 Astromancy Magician
ST14-JP010 Chronomancy Magician
ST14-JP011 Magiquipped Dragon Aetherweapon
ST14-JP012 Magiquipped Warrior Ventdra
ST14-JP013 Magiquipped Warrior Arnis
ST14-JP014 Magiquipped Warrior Terriger
ST14-JP015 Magiquipped Warrior Hydrotoise
ST14-JP016 Yellow Dragon Summoner
ST14-JP017 Azure Dragon Summoner
ST14-JP018 Vermilion Sparrow Summoner
ST14-JP019 White Tiger Summoner
ST14-JP020 Black Tortoise Summoner

ST14-JP021 Anti-Evil Spell Barrier
ST14-JP022 Supply Unit
ST14-JP023 Vortex Foudroyant
ST14-JP024 Typhon d'Espace Mystique
ST14-JP025 Boost d'Ego
ST14-JP026 Hache du Désespoir
ST14-JP027 Hache de Fer Porte-Bonheur
ST14-JP028 Réincarnation de Monstre
ST14-JP029 Usine de Production de Masse des Ténèbres
ST14-JP030 Poison du Vieillard

ST14-JP031 Trappe
ST14-JP032 Armure de Sakuretsu
ST14-JP033 Interruption de Raigeki
ST14-JP034 Tornade de Poussière
ST14-JP035 Sortilège de l'Ombre
ST14-JP036 Un Héros Surgit
ST14-JP037 Résurrection de l'Âme
ST14-JP038 Jarre de Cupidité
ST14-JP039 Brouilleur Magique
ST14-JP040 Sept Outils du Bandit

ST14-JPA01 Odd-Eyes Dragon
ST14-JPA02 Des Voltsgalph
ST14-JPA03 Kuraz le Monarque de la Lumière
ST14-JPA04 Lily Fée des Piqûres

ST14-JPA05 Renfort de l'Armée
ST14-JPA06 Trou Noir

ST14-JPA07 Force de Miroir
ST14-JPA08 Appel de l'Être Hanté

Effets des nouvelles cartes :

ST14-JP009 – Super Rare
Hoshiyomi no Majutsushi / Astromancy Magician
Dark Spellcaster / Pendulum / Effect
Pendulum Scale 1
Pendulum Effect: (1) If a Pendulum Monster you control attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate Spell Cards until the end of the Damage Step. (2) If you do not have a “Majutsushi” card or “Odd-Eyes” card in your other Pendulum Zone, this card’s Pendulum Scale becomes 4.
LV5 1200/2400
(1) Once per turn, when exactly 1 Pendulum Monster you control is returned to your hand by your opponent’s card effect: You can Special Summon 1 monster with the same name as that returned monster from your hand.

ST14-JP010 – Super Rare
Tokiyomi no Majutsushi / Chronomancy Magician
Dark Spellcaster / Pendulum / Effect
Pendulum Scale 8
Pendulum Effect: Activate only if you control no monsters. (1) If a Pendulum Monster you control attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. (2) If you do not have a “Majutsushi” card or “Odd-Eyes” card in your other Pendulum Zone, this card’s Pendulum Scale becomes 4.

Masou Seiryuu Aetherweapon / Magiquipped Dragon Aetherweapon
Light Dragon / Effect
LV6 2300/1600
You can only use the effect of “Magiquipped Dragon Aetherweapon” once per turn. (1) When this card is Pendulum Summoned: You can target 1 card on the field; return it to the hand.

Masou Senshi Ventdra / Magiquipped Warrior Ventdra
Wind Warrior / Effect
LV5 2000/800
(1) This card can attack your opponent directly. (2) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Dragon-Type/Warrior-Type/Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster in your Graveyard; add that target to your hand.

Masou Senshi Arnis / Magiquipped Warrior Arnis
Fire Warrior / Effect
LV4 1700/1200
(1) When this card is destroyed by battle by an opponent’s attacking monster and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.

Masou Senshi Terriger / Magiquipped Warrior Terriger
Earth Warrior / Effect
LV4 1800/1200
(1) When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your hand in face-up Defense Position.

Masou Senshi Hydrotoise / Magiquipped Warrior Hydrotoise
Water Warrior / Flip / Effect
LV3 1400/900
(1) If this card is flipped face-up: Target 1 Spell/Trap Card your opponent controls; destroy that target.

Kouryuu no Shoukanshi / Yellow Dragon Summoner
Light Spellcaster / Effect
LV4 1000/1000
You can only use the effect of “Yellow Dragon Summoner” once per turn. (1) Once per turn: You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 monster on the field; return that target to the hand.

Seiryuu no Shoukanshi / Azure Dragon Summoner
Wind Spellcaster / Effect
LV4 1500/600
(1) If this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can add 1 Dragon-Type/Warrior-Type/Spellcaster-Type Normal Monster from your Deck to your hand.

Suzaku no Shoukanshi / Vermilion Sparrow Summoner
Fire Spellcaster / Effect
LV4 1600/1200
(1) If this card is destroyed by battle by an opponent’s attacking monster and sent to the Graveyard: You can Special Summon 1 Warrior-Type monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.

Byakko no Shoukanshi / White Tiger Summoner
Earth Spellcaster / Effect
LV3 1000/1700
(1) When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your hand. (2) Monsters you control gain 100 ATK and DEF.

Genbu no Shoukanshi / Black Tortoise Summoner
Water Spellcaster / Flip / Effect
LV3 400/1500
(1) If this card is flipped face-up: Target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy that target.

Haja no Mahouheki / Anti-Evil Spell Barrier
Spell Field
(1) Monsters you control gain 300 ATK during your turn, and 300 DEF during your opponent’s turn.

Hokyuu Butai / Supply Unit
Spell Continuous
(1) Once per turn, if a monster you control is destroyed by battle or card effects: Draw 1 card.

ST14-JPA01 – Ultra Rare
Odd-Eyes Dragon
Dark Dragon / Effect
LV7 2500/2000
(1) If this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to half that monster’s original ATK.

Il y a 7 Commentaires


Avatar de xxthekiller44xx

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Commentaire #7 posté par xxthekiller44xx le Mercredi 19 Novembre 2014 à 13:21

Le 16/11/2014 à 18:10, B0ltek avait écrit ...
Dante gache tout, on dirait un mauvais ctrl c ctrl v ...

j'avoue il fait tache


Avatar de guide_messanger

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Commentaire #6 posté par guide_messanger le Mardi 18 Novembre 2014 à 19:08

Le tapis claque vraiment beaucoup.


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Commentaire #5 posté par jeremdu74 le Lundi 17 Novembre 2014 à 18:58

Et puis se taper à chaque fois les frais d'un week-end dans 5 des plus grandes villes d'Europe, pour gagner un tapis, je trouve pas que ce soit des plus rentables...


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Commentaire #4 posté par B0ltek le Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 18:10

Dante gache tout, on dirait un mauvais ctrl c ctrl v ...


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Commentaire #3 posté par Jonas91 le Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 17:22

Effectivement, avec un peu plus de soin donné à l'incorporation de Dante, il aurait pu être vraiment très, très sympa.


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Commentaire #2 posté par jeremdu74 le Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 17:11

Dante gâche tout je trouve, on dirait qu'il vient de nul part, il est mal intégré à l'image...


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Commentaire #1 posté par fred3 le Dimanche 16 Novembre 2014 à 15:24

super il est beaux

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