[TCG] Edition Spéciale Fire Fist

Posté le Jeudi 20 Mars 2014 à 09:25 par chaos_soldier (4325 lectures)

Une petite édition spéciale que nous allons avoir prochainement en TCG et qui devrait ravir certains souhaitant obtenir la carte Promo en Super Rare (actuellement disponible uniquement en Commune, ou Ultimate Rare cotant assez chère)

The Fire Fists Special Edition combines 3 packs of the top-selling booster sets of 2013 with a powerful variant card for great value. Each Special Edition box will contain 1 Cosmo Blazer Pack, 1 Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy Pack, and 1 Judgment of the Light Pack, as well as the Super Rare variant card Fire Formation – Tenki, which was recently released from the Semi-Limited List with the January change to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Forbidden & Limited List. Fire Formation – Tenki is notable for its powerful synergy in Beast-Warrior themed Decks! Great value and excellent content will make the Fire Fists Special Edition a must have for players of all skill levels.

Date de sortie : 4 Avril 2014

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