Spoiler Enemy of Justice EOJ + Images !

Posté le Samedi 11 Février 2006 à 23:25 par LeMasterOfTournoi (65535 lectures)

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Spoiler du booster Enemy of Justice par raretés

Cartes Yugioh Ultimate Rare (11)

  • D-Hero Dreadguy (004)
  • Cyber Prima (007)
  • Cyber Phoenix (009)
  • Victory Viper XX03 (011)
  • Lightning Gear - Gouryuu (016)
  • Giver of Judgment - Boltenis (023)
  • Super Electromagnetic Operating Voltic Dragon (031)
  • E-Hero Phoenix Guy (032)
  • E-Hero Shining Phoenix Guy (033)
  • E-Hero Wild Wingman (035)
  • Clocktower of Seclusion (048)

Cartes Yu-Gi-Oh Ultra Rare (4)

  • D-Hero Dreadguy (004)
  • Giver of Judgment - Boltenis (023)
  • E-Hero Phoenix Guy (032)
  • E-Hero Shining Phoenix Guy (033)

Cartes Yugioh Super Rare (7)

  • Cyber Prima (007)
  • Cyber Phoenix (009)
  • Victory Viper XX03 (011)
  • Lightning Gear - Gouryuu (016)
  • Super Electromagnetic Operating Voltic Dragon (031)
  • E-Hero Wild Wingman (035)
  • Clocktower of Seclusion (048)

Cartes Yu-Gi-Oh Rare (14)

  • D-Hero Diamondguy (003)
  • Harpy Pet Baby Dragon (013)
  • Lightning Gear - Sakuraka (015)
  • Green Declarer (018)
  • Purple Declarer (019)
  • Bringer of Sparking Light (022)
  • Hero Flash!! (042)
  • Guard Penalty (045)
  • Lifechanger (049)
  • Destiny Destroy (051)
  • D-Time (053)
  • Elemental Absorber (056)
  • Miracle Arrival (058)
  • Kickback (060)

Cartes du booster Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP001 D-Hero Devilguy

When this card is in face-up attack mode, once per turn you can remove an opponent's monster from the game. The player that use this effect cannot battle during that turn. The monster removed by this effect, at your second Standby Phase, would return onto opponent's field in the same mode.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP002 D-Hero Diehardguy

When this card is face-up on the field, if a monster with [D-Hero] in its name other than this card would be destroy as result of battle and sent to Graveyard, special summon that monster onto your field during your next Standby Phase. This effect can only be used once per turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP003 D-Hero Diamondguy

When this card is face-up on the field, you can look at the top card on your deck. If that card is a Normal Magic sends it to Graveyard, and you can activate the effect of that Normal Magic at the Main Phase of your next turn. If outside of Normal Magic card put it to bottom of the deck. This effect can only be activate once per turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP004 D-Hero Dreadguy

When special summon by effect of [Clocktower of Seclusion], destroy all monsters on your field except cards with [D-Hero] in its name. Afterward, you can special summon up to 3 monsters with [D-Hero] in its name from your Graveyard. During the turn this card is special summon, when monster with [D-Hero] in its name on your field would be destroy as result of battle, the battle damages done to controller would become 0. This card's attack and defense strength is equal to the total original attack strength of all monsters with [D-Hero] in its name outside of this card.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP005 Cyber Tutu

When all monsters on opponent's field have their attack strength higher than this card's attack strength, this card can attack opponent directly.

Carte Yu-gi-oh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP006 Cyber Gymnetics

Discard a card from hand. Destroy a monster in face-up attack mode on opponent's field. This effect can only be use once per turn.

Carte Yu-gi-oh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP007 Cyber Prima

When this card is successfully sacrificed summon, destroy all face-up Magic cards on the field.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP008 Cyber Giraffe

Sacrifice this card. Until End Phase of that turn, all damages done to this card's controller by effect of cards would become 0.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP009 Cyber Phoenix

When this card is face-up on the field, negate all effects of Magic/Trap cards that target a Machine sub-type monster on your field. When this card is destroy and sent to Graveyard as result of battle when it's face-up, draw a card from your deck.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP010 Searchlightman

Reverse: Opponent cannot set card(s) this turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP011 Victory Viper XX03

When this card sucessfully destroy an opponent's monster, choose one of the following effects and activate.

  • Increase this card's attack strength by 400.
  • Destroy a face-up Magic/Trap card on the field
  • Special Summon a [Option Token] onto your field that have the same Main-Type, sub-type, level, attack, and defense strength as this card.

Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP012 Birdman of Gale

When this card is successfully sacrificed summon by sacrifing a Wind main-type monster, return all Magic/Trap cards on the field to owner's hand.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP013 Harpy Pet Baby Dragon

This card gains effect text equal to number of monster with [Harpy] in its name on your field other than [Harpy Pet Baby Dragon].
1 - When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot choose monsters with [Harpy] in its name on your field as target of attack other than [Harpy Pet Baby Dragon]
2 - Doubled this card's attack and defense strength
3 - Once per turn, you may destroy a card on opponent's field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP014 Lightning Gear - Skyflash (Lightning Gear - Hiramakuu)

When this card attack opponent's lifepoints directly, draw a card from your deck. Send this card to Graveyard during the End Phase of the turn this card is successfully Normal Summoned, Reversed Summon, or Special Summon.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP015 Lightning Gear - Sakuraka

This card can be Summoned without sacrifice. If summon by this way, send this card to Graveyard at End Phase.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP016 Lightning Gear - Rumbling Dragon (Lightning Gear - Gouryuu)

This card can be Summoned by sacrificing 1 monster. If summoned by this way, send this card to Graveyard at End Phase. When this card attack a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength exceed that defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yu-gi-oh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP017 Royal Knights

When this card destroy a monster as result of battle and send to Graveyard, increase your lifepoints equal to that monster's original attack strength.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP018 Green Declarer

Discard this card and another Angel sub-type monsters from your hand to Graveyard to activate. Negate an activation of an opponent's Magic card and destroy it. This effect can only be use in opponent's turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP019 Purple Declarer

Discard this card and another Angel sub-type monsters from your hand to Graveyard to activate. Negate an activation of an opponent's Trap card and destroy it. This effect cannot be use in opponent's turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP020 Artemis of Harvest

When this card is face-up on the field, draw a card everytime a Counter Trap would be activate.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP021 Reiyad of Relief

When this card is face-up on the field, whenever a Counter Trap would be activate return 2 Angel sub-type monsters that are removed from game into your hand.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP022 Bringer of Sparking Light

When this card is face-up on the field, all cards that would send to Graveyard would be removed from the game instead.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP023 Giver of Judgment - Boltenis

When you successfully activate an Counter Trap, you may sacrificed all monsters on your field to special summon this card. When this card is special summon this way, you can destroy number of cards up to the number of Angel sub-type monsters sacrificed this way.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP024 Guard Dog

Reverse: Opponent player cannot special summon during this turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP025 Vacuum Itachi ("Vacuum Weasel")

Reverse: Opponent cannot activate Magic/Trap during this turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP026 Beating Aos

Sacrifice an Earth main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon an Earth main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Beating Aos] leaves field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP027 Raging Eria

Sacrifice a Water main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Water main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Raging Eria] leaves field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP028 Blazing Hiita

Sacrifice a Fire main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Fire main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Blazing Hiita] leaves field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP029 Devastating Wynn

Sacrifice a Wind main-type monster outside of this card from your field, special summon a Wind main-type monster from your hand. This effect can only be activate once per turn. The monsters special summon by this effect would be destroy when [Devastating Wynn] leaves field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP030 Battery Man - C

When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot choose a Thunder sub-type monster as target of attack other than "Battery Man - C".

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP031 Super Electromagnetic Operating Voltic Dragon

When you successfully sacrificed summon by using one of following monsters, this card gain respective effect.

  • Battery Man D: Negate the Magic/Trap effect that target this card.
  • Battery Man C: When this card attacks a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is higher than the defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference.
  • Battery Man AA: Increase this card's attack strength by 1000.

Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP032 E-Hero Phoenix Guy

Fire/Warrior - Fusion/6/2100/1200
[E-Hero Featherman] + [E-Hero Burst Lady]
This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. This card cannot be destroy as result of battle.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP033 E-Hero Shining Phoenixguy

Fire/Warrior - Fusion/8/2500/2100
[E-Hero Sparkman] + [E-Hero Phoenixguy]
This card can only be special summon by Fusion Summon. Increase this card's attack strength by 300 for each monsters with [E-Hero] in its name in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroy as result of battle.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP034 E-Hero Sailorman

Water/Warrior - Fusion/5/1400/1000
[E-Hero Bubbleman] + [E-Hero Featherman]
This card can only be special summon by Fusion Summon. When you have set Magic/Trap card, this card can attack opponent directly.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP035 E-Hero Wild Wingman

Earth/Warrior - Fusion/8/1900/2300
[E-Hero Wildman] + [E-Hero Featherman]
This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. Discard a card from your hand, destroy a Magic/Trap card on the field.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP036 E-Hero Necroid Shaman

Dark/Warrior - Fusion/6/1900/1800
[E-Hero Wildman] + [E-Hero Necrodarkman]
This card can only be Special summon by Fusion Summon. When this card is successfully special summon, destroy a monster on opponent's field. Afterward, choose a monster in opponent's Graveyard and special summon it to opponent's field.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP037 Misfortune

Magic - Normal
Choose a monster on opponent's field to activate. Do damage to opponent equal to half of original attack strength. Your monster cannot attack during this turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP038 H - Heat Heart

Magic - Normal
Choose a face-up monster on your field to activate. Increase the chosen monster's attack strength by 500. When that monster attack a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is higher than the defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference. This card's effect would lasted until end of turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP039 E - Emergency Call

Magic - Normal
Choose a monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your deck and add it into your hand.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP040 R - Right Justice

Magic - Normal
For each monster with [E-Hero] in its name on your field, destroy a Magic/Trap card.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP041 O - Over Soul

Magic - Normal
Choose a monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your Graveyard, special summon it to the field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP042 Hero Flash!!

This card can only be activate when you remove [H - Heat Heart], [E - Emergency Call], [R - Right Justice], and [O - Over Soul] from your Graveyard from the game. Special Summon a Normal Monster with [E-Hero] in its name from your deck. During this turn all Normal Monsters with [E-Hero] in its name can attack opponent directly.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP043 Power Capsule

Magic - Normal
Choose one of the effects of a [Gradius XX03] face-up on your field. This card's effect would become that effect.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP044 Deification of Light

Magic - Quickplay
Special Summon an Angel sub-type monster from your hand. That monster's attack strength would be halved, and destroy it at the end of turn.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP045 Grand Cross

Magic - Quickplay
This card can only be activate when [Macrocosmo] is on your field. Destroy all monsters on the field, do 300 damages to opponent.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP046 Planet Series

Magic - Quickplay
This card can only be activate when [Macrocosmo] is on your field. Do 300 lifepoint damages to opponent. Destroy all monsters on the field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP047 Dimensional Rip

Magic - Continuous
All monsters that would send to Graveyard would be removed from game instead.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP048 Clocktower of Seclusion

Magic - Field
During each Standby Phase of opponent's turn, put a Time Counter onto this card. When this card have four or more Time Counters on it, battle damages would not be done to this card's controller. When this card is destroy and send to Graveyard while it have 4 or more Time Counters, special summon a [D-Hero Dreadguy] from your hand or deck.
Super/Ultimate Rare

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP049 Lifechanger

Trap - Normal
This card can only be activate when your lifepoints is 8000 or more less than opponent. Both player's lifepoints become 3000.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP050 Elemental Charge

Trap - Normal
For each monsters on your field with [E-Hero] in its name, increase your lifepoints by 1000.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP051 Destiny Destroy

Trap - Normal
Send the top 3 cards on your deck to Graveyard. For each Magic/Trap card send to Graveyard by this effect, you take 1000 lifepoints damages.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP052 Destiny Signal

Trap - Normal
This card can only be activate when one of your monster on the field is destroyed as a result of battle. Special summon a monster with [D-Hero] in its name that is Level 4 or lower from your hand or deck.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP053 D-Time

Trap - Normal
This card can only be activate when a monster with [E-Hero] in its name on your field leaves the field. Add a monster with [D-Hero] in its name with level lower than that monster into your hand from your deck.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP054 D-Shield

Trap - Normal
This card can only be activate when a monster in attack mode with [D-Hero] in its name on your field would be target of attack. This card would become an equipment card, and equipped on the attacked monster and strength it to defense mode. The equipped monster cannot be destroy as result of battle.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP055 God Bird Attack

Trap - Normal
Sacrifice a Bird sub-type monsters fron your field. Destroy 2 cards on the field.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP056 Elemental Absorber

Trap - Continuous
Remove a monster card from your hand from the game. All opponent's monsters with the same main-type as that card, as long as this card is on the field, cannot declare attack.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP057 Macrocosmo

Trap - Continuous
This card can only be activate by removing a [Alchemy Kettle - Chaos Distill] from the game from your field. Special summon a [Primerval Sun - Helios] from your hand or deck. Remove all cards from the game that would be send to your Graveyard.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP058 Miracle Arrival

Trap - Continuous
Special Summon one of your Angel sub-type monster that is removed from game. When this card leaves the field, destroy that monster. When that monster is destroy this card is destroy.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP059 Cracking Hatchet

Trap - Continuous
Choose a face-up monster on the field to activate. When this card is face-up on the field, the attack strength of the chosen monster is decrease by 500 during each of your Standby Phase. When that monster is destroy, destroy this card.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

EOJ-JP060 Kick Out

Trap - Counter
Negate the Normal or Reverse Summon of a monster, and return that monster to owner's hand.

Carte Yugioh Enemy of Justice EOJ-JP

N'oubliez pas de donner votre avis sur cette nouvelle extension sur nos forums dans la discussion suivante: Booster Enemy Of Justice.

Source: DMC
Les scans ont été faits par Gondora de DMC, et ont été hébergés sur le site par Yami-Sonic.

MàJ: Images de l'annonce télé au Japon

Voici les screenshots de l'annonce télé au japon (cliquez dessus pour els agrandir):

En complément, un gif fait par shriek de DMC pour reprendre la vidéo (3,65 Mo): Vidéo Enemy of Justice

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