Spoiler CDIP L'Impact des Cyberténèbres

Posté le Jeudi 16 Novembre 2006 à 05:59 par yugihassan (65535 lectures)

Voici la liste des cartes du nouveau booster Yu-Gi-Oh à venir L'Impact des Cyberténèbres
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Spoiler du booster Cyberdark Impact par raretés

Cartes Yugioh Ultimate Rare:

  • CDIP-JP001 Cyber Dark Horn
  • CDIP-JP002 Cyber Dark Edge
  • CDIP-JP003 Cyber Dark Keel
  • CDIP-JP005 Cyber Esper
  • CDIP-JP011 Dark Lucius LV8
  • CDIP-JP008 Allure Queen LV7
  • CDIP-JP032 Storm Shooter
  • CDIP-JP035 Armed Black Dragon - Cyber Dark Dragon
  • CDIP-JP036 Cyber Ogre #2
  • CDIP-JP056 Cyber Shadow Guardna
  • CDIP-JP058 Troy Bomb

Cartes Yu-Gi-Oh Ultra Rare:

  • CDIP-JP011 Dark Lucius LV8
  • CDIP-JP008 Allure Queen LV7
  • CDIP-JP035 Armed Black Dragon - Cyber Dark Dragon
  • CDIP-JP036 Cyber Ogre #2 ?

Cartes Yugioh Super Rare:

  • CDIP-JP001 Cyber Dark Horn
  • CDIP-JP002 Cyber Dark Edge
  • CDIP-JP003 Cyber Dark Keel
  • CDIP-JP005 Cyber Esper
  • CDIP-JP032 Storm Shooter
  • CDIP-JP056 Cyber Shadow Guardna
  • CDIP-JP058 Troy Bomb

Cartes Yu-Gi-Oh Rare:

  • CDIP-JP007 Allure Queen LV5
  • CDIP-JP010 Dark Lucius LV6
  • CDIP-JP017 Vanity Devil
  • CDIP-JP024 Vanity Ruler
  • CDIP-JP025 Earth Mother Iris
  • CDIP-JP026 Lightning Punisher
  • CDIP-JP029 Combomaster
  • CDIP-JP031 Charging Rhinos
  • CDIP-JP038 A Flash of Magic Sealing
  • CDIP-JP047 Receding Circuit
  • CDIP-JP049 Tripwire
  • CDIP-JP052 Reverse Dimension
  • CDIP-JP059 Ascending Black Horn

Spoiler complet du booster Yugioh Cyberdark Impact CDIP-JP

CDIP-JP001 Cyber Dark Horn Dark/Machine/4/800/800 When this card is successfully summoned, choose a Dragon sub-type monster with level 3 or lower from your Graveyard and equipped it on this card as an equipment card, and increase this card's attack strength by that attack strength. When this card attacks a monster in defense mode, and the attack strength is higher than the defense strength, do battle damages to opponent equal to the difference. When this card is destroy as result of battle, the equipped monster is destroy instead. CDIP-JP002 Cyber Dark Edge Dark/Machine/4/800/800 When this card is successfully summoned, choose a Dragon sub-type monster with level 3 or lower from your Graveyard and equipped it on this card as an equipment card, and increase this card's attack strength by that attack strength. This card can attack opponent directly. If so, halved this card's attack strength during Damage Calculation. When this card is destroy as result of battle, the equipped monster is destroy instead. CDIP-JP003 Cyber Dark Keel Dark/Machine/4/800/800 When this card is successfully summoned, choose a Dragon sub-type monster with level 3 or lower from your Graveyard and equipped it on this card as an equipment card, and increase this card's attack strength by that attack strength. When this card battles with an opponent's monster, do 300 damages to opponent. When this card is destroy as result of battle, the equipped monster is destroy instead. CDIP-JP004 Cyber Ogre 5/Earth/Machine/1900/1200 Discard this card from your hand to Graveyard. Negate the battle by a [Cyber Ogre] on your field once, and until the end of next battle increase the attack strength by 2000. This effect can also be activate during opponent's turn. CDIP-JP005 Cyber Esper 4/Fire/Machine/1200/1800 When this card is in face-up attack mode on your field, you can confirm card(s) draw by opponent. CDIP-JP006 Allure Queen LV3 Dark/Spellcaster/3/500/500 Once during your Main Phase you can choose a monster with Level 3 or less from opponent's field and equip it to this card as an equip card (This effect can only equip one equip card). When this card is destroyed as result of battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead. During Standby Phase of your turn, you can send this card with the equip card by this effect to Graveyard, and special summon a [Allure Queen LV5] from your hand or deck. CDIP-JP007 Allure Queen LV5 [Rare] Dark/Spellcaster/5/1000/1000 When special summoned by effect of [Allure Queen LV3], once per turn during your Main Phase you can choose a monster with level 5 or less from opponent's field, and equip it to this card as an equip card (This effect can only equip one equip card). When this card is destroyed in battle, the equipped monster is destroyed instead. At the Standby Phase of your turn, you can send this card and the equip card by this effect to Graveyard to special summon a [Allure Queen LV7] from your hand or deck. CDIP-JP008 Allure Queen LV 7 [Ultra/Ultimate] 7/Dark/Spellcaster/1500/1500 When special summoned by effect of [Allure Queen LV5], once during your turn during Main Phase you may choose a monster on opponent's field and equip it to this card as an equipment card (This effect can only have up to one monster equipped). When this card would be destroyed in battle, destroy the equipped monster instead. CDIP-JP009 Dark Lucius LV4 4/Earth/Fiend/1000/300 Negate the effect of opponent's monster(s) destroyed by this card as result of battle. When this card destroyed a monster as result of battle, during your Standby Phase of your next turn, you can send this card to Graveyard to special summon a [Dark Lucius LV6] from hand or deck. CDIP-JP010 Dark Lucius LV6 [Rare] 6/Earth/Fiend/1700/600 When special summoned by effect of [Dark Lucius LV4], negate any effect of monster(s) this card destroys as result of battle. During the Standby Phase of your next turn when this effect negates the effect of an opponent's monster, you can send this card to Graveyard to special summon a [Dark Lucius LV8] from your hand or deck. CDIP-JP011 Dark Lucius LV8 [Ultra/Ultimate] 8/Earth/Fiend/2800/900 When special summoned by the effect of [Dark Lucius LV6], negate any effect of monsters this card destroys as result of battle, and remove them from game. CDIP-JP012 Stray Devil Fire/Fiend/3/1300/1700 When this card is detroyed by battle and is sent to grave, both player gains 800 LP. CDIP-JP013 Violent Ogre Fire/Fiend/4/1700/1100 When this card is detroyed by battle and is sent to grave, deal 500 LP to both players. CDIP-JP014 Flame Ogre Fire/Fiend/7/2400/1700 This card cannot be special summoned. When this card is successfully summoned, draw a card from your deck. CDIP-JP015 Snipestalker Dark/Fiend/4/1500/600 Discard a card from hand. Choose a card on the field and roll a dice. If the result is other than 1 or 6, destroy the chosen card. CDIP-JP016 Blast Devil Fire/Fiend/3/1000/300 When a chain of Magic or Trap happens, deal 500 damage to opponent. CDIP-JP017 Vanity Devil [Rare] Dark/Fiend/6/2400/1200 This card cannot be special summon. When this card is face-up on the field, monster(s) cannot be special summon. CDIP-JP018 Boundary Statue of Abyss Dark/Fiend/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters except with dark main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP019 Boundary Statue of Heavy Rain Water/Aqua/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters except with Water main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP020 Boundary Statue of Hellfire Fire/Pyro/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters except with Fire main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP021 Boundary Statue of Gale Wind/Winged-Beast/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters except with wind main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP022 Boundary Statue of Drought Earth/Rock/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters with Earth attribute main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP023 Boundary Statue of Flash Light/Fairy/4/1000/1000 If this card is face-up on the field, all monsters except with Light main type cannot be special summoned CDIP-JP024 Vanity Ruler [Rare] Light/Fairy/8/2500/1600 This card cannot be special summon. When this card is face-up on the field, opponent cannot special summon any monster(s). CDIP-JP025 Earth Mother Iris [Rare] Light/Fairy/6/2400/1200 When a Chain 3 is accumulated, draw a card from deck. When an effect by the same name card activates on the same chain multiple times, this effect cannot be activated. CDIP-JP026 Lightning Punisher [Rare] Dark/Thunder/7/2600/1600 When a Chain 3 is accumulated, destroy a card on opponent's field. When an effect by the same name card activates on the same chain multiple times, this effect cannot be activated. CDIP-JP027 Bodyguards of Queen Earth/Warrior/4/1700/1200 When this card is face-up on the field, any of the [Allure Queen] on your field cannot be chosen as target of attack. CDIP-JP028 Combofighter Wind/Warrior/4/1600/800 When this card is face-up on the field, during your Main Phase 1 when a Chain happens, during this turn this card can attack two times during Battle Phase CDIP-JP029 Combomaster [Rare] Wind/Warrior/5/2200/1500 When this card is face-up on the field, during your Main Phase 1 when a Chain happens, during this turn this card can attack two times during Battle Phase. CDIP-JP030 Beastman Ares Earth/Beast-Warrior/3/500/500 When this card is face-up on the field, whenever a chain happens, increase this card's attack strength by 500. CDIP-JP031 Assault Rhinos [Rare] Earth/Beast-Warrior/3/1500/1500 Once per turn, you can move this card to an adjacent monster card zone that is not in use. If this card attacks an opponent’s monster right in front of it, increase this card’s attack strength by 500 points during the damage step. CDIP-JP032 Storm Shooter [Super Rare/Ultimate Rare] Wind/Winged-Beast/7/2300/500 Once during your turn, you can choose one of the following effects and activate it. - Move this to the adjacent monster card zone that is not in use. - Return an opponent's Monster, Magic, or Trap directly in front of this card to its owner's hand. CDIP-JP033 Alien Vader Earth/Reptile/2/800/500 Once during your turn, this card can move to the adjacent unused monster zone. When there's not opponent's monster, Magic, or Trap card directly in front of this card, this card can attack opponent directly. CDIP-JP034 Alien Mars Fire/Reptile/3/1000/1000 When this card is face-up on the field, negate the effect of all monsters other than [Alien Mars] with "A Counter" set onto it. CDIP-JP035 Armed Black Dragon - Cyber Dark Dragon [Ultra/Ultimate] Dark/Machine/8/1000/1000 Fusion [Cyber Dark Horn + Cyber Dark Edge + Cyber Dark Keel] This monster cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon. When this card is Special Summoned, choose 1 Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard, equip it to this card and increase this card's ATK by an amount equal to the ATK of the monster equipped to this card. Increase this card's ATK by 100 points for every Monster Card in your Graveyard. If this card would be destroyed as a result of battle, the monster equipped to this card is destroyed instead. CDIP-JP036 Cyber Ogre 2 Earth/Machine/7/2600/1900 Fusion [Cyber Ogre + Cyber Ogre] This card's Fusion Summon can only be done by above cards. When this card attacks opponent's monsters, increase this card's attack strength by halved of the attack strength of the attacked monster until end of Damage Step. CDIP-JP037 (Infecting) Cell “A” Normal Spell Put an "A Counter" on a face-up monster on opponent's field. CDIP-JP038 A Flash of Magic Sealing [Rare] Normal Spell This card can be activated when there are monsters on each place of monster zone on opponent's field. Destroy all monsters on opponent's field. CDIP-JP039 Limit Lift Normal Spell Pay 1000 lifepoints. Special Summon a Ritual monster from your hand. The Ritual monster special summon by this effect cannot attack, and is destroyed at End Phase. Only 1 [Limit Lift] can be played per turn. CDIP-JP040 Instant Fusion Normal Spell Pay 1000 lifepoints. Special Summon a Fusion monster with level 5 or less from your Fusion deck. The Fusion monster Special Summoned by this effect cannot attack, and is destroyed at the End Phase. Only 1 [Instant Fusion] can be play per turn. (This Special Summon is treated as Fusion Summon) CDIP-JP041 Countercleaner Normal Spell Pay 500 lifepoints. Remove all counters on the field. CDIP-JP042 Linear Cannon Normal Spell Sacrifice a monster on your field. Do damage to opponent equal to half of that monster's original attack strength. During the turn this card is activated, no other Magic cards can be activated. CDIP-JP043 Chain Strike Quick-Spell Deal an amount of damage to opponent equal to the chain number of this card *400. When the effect of a same name card is activated more than once on the same chain, this card cannot be activated. CDIP-JP044 Miracle Reborn Quick Spell This card can only be activated on or after Chain 4. Choose a monster card from a Graveyard, and special summon it onto your field. When the effect of a same name card is activated more than once on the same chain, this card cannot be activated. CDIP-JP045 Gust of Wind Quick Spell This card can only be activated after or at Chain 3. Destroy a Magic/Trap card on the field. When the effect of a same name card is activated more than once on the same chain, this card cannot be activated. CDIP-JP046 Level Down!? Quickspell Choose a face-up monster on the field with [LV] to activate. Return the chosen card to owner's deck, special summon a monster with the same name with lower [LV] than that card from owner's Graveyard ignoring the summoning requirement to owner's field. CDIP-JP047 Receeding Circuit [Rare] Continuous Spell During each of this card's controller Standby Phase pay 500 lifepoints. When a monster is return from field to hand, it's removed from game instead. CDIP-JP048 Position Change Continuous Spell The place of a monster on your field can be move to the adjacent unused monster card zone. This effect can be activated once per turn. CDIP-JP049 Tripwire Normal Trap This card can only be activated when the column this card is set in have cards on all of yours and your opponent's field. All cards in this column are destroyed. CDIP-JP050 Straight Flush Normal Trap This card can be activated when there are cards on each place of Magic/Trap zone on opponent's field. Destroy all cards in opponent's Magic/Trap card zone. CDIP-JP051 Justibreak Normal Trap This card can be activated when a face-up Normal monster on your field is target of attack declaration. Destroy all monsters in face-up attack mode on the field except Normal monsters. CDIP-JP052 Reverse Dimension [Rare] Normal Trap This card can be activate when monster(s) originally owned by you is removed from game by opponent's effect. Special Summon one of those monster to your field. CDIP-JP053 Chain Healing Normal Trap Increase your Lifepoints by 500. When this card is activated on chain 2 or 3, shuffle this card into your deck. If this card is activated on chain 4 or later, return this card into your hand. CDIP-JP054 Chain Strike Normal Trap Deal 500 LP damage to opponent. When this card is activated during chain 2 or 3, shuffle this card into your deck. If activated during chain 4 or later, return this card into your hand. CDIP-JP055 Byroad Sacrifice Normal Trap This card can be activated when a monster on your field is destroyed as result of battle. Special Summon a [Cyber Ogre] from your hand. CDIP-JP056 Troy Bomb [Super Rare/Ultimate Rare] Normal Trap This card can be activated when the control of your monster(s) is switched to opponent by opponent's effect. Destroy one of those monsters, and do damage to opponent equal to that monster's original attack strength. CDIP-JP057 Cumulative Happiness Normal Trap This card can only be activated on or after Chain 4. Draw two cards from your deck. When the effect of a same name card is activated more than once on the same chain, this card cannot be activated. CDIP-JP058 Cyber Shadow Guardna [Super Rare/Ultimate Rare] Continuous Trap This card can be activated during Main Phase of opponent's turn. This card would become a monster card (Earth/Machine/4/?/?) after activation, and would be special summoned to your monster card zone. When this card is declared as attack target, this card's attack and defense strength is same as opponent's attacking monster. Return this card set to your Magic/Trap card zone at End Phase of opponent's turn (This card is also treated as a Trap card) CDIP-JP059 Vanity Call Counter-Trap This card can be activated after or on Chain 4. Pay half file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/locales/index-fr_FR.htmlof your lifepoints, negate all effects and activation of cards on the same chain, and destroy all those cards. CDIP-JP060 Ascending Black Horn [Rare] Counter-Trap Negate the special summon of an opponent's monster and destroy it.

Info Ultra Jeux

Le Prochain Préconstruit Yugioh ( S10 - Revolte des Machines) est en Précommande sur www.ultrajeux.com

Le Preconstruit Re-volt des Machines contient:

  • 40 cartes dont des cartes "gadget" joué par Yugi contre Pharaon dans le dessin animé (12 cartes inedites

Ne soyez pas le seul à ne pas l'avoir acheté à 12 euros, voir même à 11,50 euros si vous les achetez par deux exemplaires ... !!

Il y a 7 Commentaires


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Commentaire #7 posté par chaos_soldier le Vendredi 10 Mars 2017 à 11:58

Type de Carte :
Monstre Pendule

Nom de la Carte :
[ Infanterie F ]

Référence :

Attribut :
[ Ténèbres ]

Niveau :
[ 9 ]

Echelle :
[ 4 ]

Type :
[ Machine ]

Descriptif de la Carte :
[Effet Pendule : Vous ne pouvez Invoquer par Invocation Pendule que des monstres de Type Machine. Si vous avez un "Infanterie F" dans votre autre Zone Pendule : vous pouvez choisir de changer l'Echelle Pendule de cette carte (entre 0 et 12). Une fois par tour : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement un Monstre Infanterie depuis votre Cimetière.

Effet Monstre : Ce fantassin usé par ses nombreux combats historiques a été retrouvé par le Roi des Machines. Grâce à Métlamorphe, il fût transformé en Machine afin d'assister l'Infanterie mécanique équipés des toutes dernières technologies.]

[2800 ATK / 0 DEF]


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Commentaire #6 posté par maidenkiss89 le Vendredi 10 Mars 2017 à 00:00

Type de Carte :
- contre Piège

Nom de la Carte :
[ défiance d'infanterie lourde ]

Référence :
(le premier membre met AFR10, le deuxième BFR10, le troisième CFR10 et ainsi de suite)

Descriptif de la Carte :
lorsqu'un monstre Infanterie est la cible d'une attaque, vous pouvez défaussez une carte de votre main pour changer la cible de cette attaque 


Avatar de Anya

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Commentaire #5 posté par Anya le Jeudi 09 Mars 2017 à 23:12

Type de Carte :
- Magie (Continue)

Nom de la Carte :
[ Renforcement des effectifs ]

Référence :

Descriptif de la Carte :
[Tant que cette carte reste sur le Terrain chacun de vos monstres "Infanterie" gagne 300 points d'ATK. Une fois par tour, si un monstre "Infanterie" est pris pour cible par l'effet d'un monstre, d'une magie ou d'un piège, vous pouvez défausser une carte de votre main: annulez l'effet de la carte et détruisez-là.]


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Commentaire #4 posté par Flo86 le Jeudi 09 Mars 2017 à 19:19

Rah mince je me suis fait volé l'infanterie E ^^
Bon c'est pas grave je vais me tenter à consolider l'archétype

Type de Carte :
- Magie (Terrain)

Nom de la Carte :
[ Usine de l'infanterie ]

Référence :
(le premier membre met AFR10, le deuxième BFR10, le troisième CFR10 et ainsi de suite)

Descriptif de la Carte :
[Une fois par tours, vous pouvez défausser un monstre de type machine depuis votre main ; invoquez spécialement un jeton "Infanterie S" (Type Machine / TERRE / Niveau 2 / ATK 1000 / DEF 2000) sur le terrain de l'adversaire. Ce jeton est compté comme un monstre invoqué spécialement par l'adversaire
Une fois par tour, si votre adversaire invoque spécialement un monstre ( jeton "Infanterie S" exclu), vous pouvez activer l'un de ces deux effets :
- Invoquez spécialement 1  jeton "Infanterie S" sur votre terrain
- Ciblez un monstre  "Infanterie" dans votre cimetière, ajoutez le à votre main]

Voilà pour moi ^^ J'ai essayer de mieux coller avec l'archétype (surtout avec l'idée du jeton sur le terrain adverse) j'espère que ces 4 cartes verront le jours à l fin de la semaine 


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Commentaire #3 posté par worway le Jeudi 09 Mars 2017 à 18:46

Faut croire que ce concept ne plait pas trop (ou l'idée de YamiYugi59, pour le coup y a pas d'autres commentaire donc dur de deviner)

C'est pas ça, j'aime bien le concept, mais maintenant que j'ai repris le boulot, j'ai pas eu le temps de me pencher  dessus ^^.
Type de Carte :
- Monstre Synchro

Nom de la Carte :
[ Infanterie E ]

Référence :

Attribut :
[ Terre ]

Niveau :
[ 6 ]

Type :
[ Machine ]

Descriptif de la Carte :

1 syntoniseur + 1 monstre non syntoniseur ou plus

Si ce monstre est Invoqué en utilisant un monstre Machine comme Matériel de Synchro, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Infanterie D" en Position d'Attaque depuis votre Deck ou votre main. Une fois par tour, durant le tour de n'importe quel joueur, lorsque votre adversaire Invoque Spécialement un monstre, vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement un monstre Machine de votre Cimetière.

[2300 ATK / 2300 DEF]


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Commentaire #2 posté par SamUJ le Jeudi 09 Mars 2017 à 13:57

Bon il est déjà Jeudi et cette édition a l'air de bien bider x)
Faut croire que ce concept ne plait pas trop (ou l'idée de YamiYugi59, pour le coup y a pas d'autres commentaire donc dur de deviner), je vais tout de même tenter de faire en sorte de compléter le tout pour cette édition histoire que YamiYugi59 ne se retrouve pas seul x)

Type de Carte :
- Monstre à Effet

Nom de la Carte :
[ Infanterie D ]

Référence :

Attribut :
[ Terre ]

Niveau :
[ 4 ]

Type :
[ Machine ]

Descriptif de la Carte :
Si votre adversaire contrôle min. 1 monstre Invoqué Spécialement : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement cette carte (depuis votre main). Une fois durant le tour de chaque joueur, si votre adversaire Invoque Spécialement un ou plusieurs monstres : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Infanterie E" depuis votre main, Deck ou Cimetière. 

[1200 ATK / 1800 DEF]

Pour le "main, Deck ou Cimetière", si jamais l'Infanterie E est créée par quelqu'un d'autre et que c'est un monstre en provenance de l'Extra Deck hésitez pas à modifier ça !


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Commentaire #1 posté par YamiYugi59 le Mercredi 08 Mars 2017 à 12:22

Type de Carte :
- Monstre Fusion

Nom de la Carte :
[ Infanterie Dragon DE ]

Référence :
(le premier membre met AFR10, le deuxième BFR10, le troisième CFR10 et ainsi de suite)

Attribut :
[ Lumière ]

Niveau :
[ 9 ]

Type :
[ Machine ]

Descriptif de la Carte :
["Infanterie D" + "Infanterie E"
 Cette carte ne peut être Invoquée que par Invocation Spéciale en retirant du jeu les monstres ci-dessus depuis votre Terrain, puis vous pouvez faire l'Invocation Spéciale de cette carte depuis votre Deck Fusion (N'utilisez pas la carte "Polymérisation"). Défaussez 1 carte de votre main pour détruire 3 Carte sur le Terrain de votre adversaire. Tant que cette carte est face recto, votre adversaire doit retirer une monstre de son terrain pour pouvoir invoquer spécialement un monstre.

[2900 ATK / 2700 DEF]

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