Spoiler Crossroads of Chaos

Posté le Samedi 19 Juillet 2008 à 15:06 par Blue (12532 lectures)

Voici le spoiler complet du Booster Crossroads of Chaos.
Date de sortie au Japon : 19 Juillet 2008
Date de sortie US / Europe: Novembre - Décembre 2008
Cartes Yugioh Holographic Rare (1)
CSOC-JP039 Black Rose Dragon

Cartes Yugioh Ultimate Rare (5)
CSOC-JP038 Turbo Warrior
CSOC-JP039 Black Rose Dragon
CSOC-JP043 Deathkaiser Dragon
CSOC-JP044 Resurrection Demon King Ha Des
CSOC-JP065 Urgent Tuning

Cartes Yugioh Ultra Rare (5)
CSOC-JP038 Turbo Warrior
CSOC-JP039 Black Rose Dragon
CSOC-JP043 Deathkaiser Dragon
CSOC-JP044 Resurrection Demon King Ha Des
CSOC-JP065 Urgent Tuning

Cartes Yugioh Super Rare (9)
CSOC-JP022 Storm Summoner
CSOC-JP029 Camellia Titanial
CSOC-JP034 Winged Wata
CSOC-JP036 Tigerdragon
CSOC-JP042 Hell Bramble
CSOC-JP047 Carved Seal of the Rose
CSOC-JP048 Black Garden
CSOC-JP069 Pedigree of the Destruction God
CSOC-JP073 Psycho Trigger

Cartes Yugioh Rare (18)
CSOC-JP003 Mad Daemon
CSOC-JP009 Deformer Radicassen
CSOC-JP010 Deformer Cameran
CSOC-JP014 Gadget Driver
CSOC-JP015 Search Striker
CSOC-JP018 Chain Snake
CSOC-JP027 Botanity Girl
CSOC-JP030 Mammoth Zombie
CSOC-JP031 Zombie-Carrier
CSOC-JP037 Jade Knight
CSOC-JP040 Chain Dragon
CSOC-JP041 Psycho Health Trancer
CSOC-JP050 Deformer Speed Unit
CSOC-JP056 Oldest Style Telekinesis
CSOC-JP060 Immortalic Underworld Cannon
CSOC-JP061 Village of the Magic Tribe
CSOC-JP063 Battle-Mania
CSOC-JP067 Roar of Pride

Cartes Yugioh Normal Rare (4):
CSOC-JP028 Cursed Fig
CSOC-JP035 White of Legend
CSOC-JP062 Omega Glasses
CSOC-JP080 Big Trap Hole

Spoiler Complet :

CSOC-JP001 Heal Waver
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/800/1600
Activate by Selecting 1 face-up monster you control other than this
card. Increase your Life Points equal to the Level of the selected
monster x 100. This effect can only be used once per turn.

CSOC-JP002 Turbo Synchron
WIND/Machine -Tuner/1/100/500
When you declare an attack with this card, you can change the monster
that is the attack target to Defense Position. If you take Battle Damage
from this card attacking, you can Special Summon 1 monster from your
hand with equal or less ATK as you took Battle Damage.

CSOC-JP003 Mad Daemon [Rare]
DARK/Demon - Effect/4/1800/0
When this card attacks a Defense Position monster, and this card's ATK
exceeds that monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to
your opponent's Life Points. When this face-up Attack Position card
becomes the target of an attack, change it to Defense Position.

CSOC-JP004 Ivy Wall
EARTH/Plant - Effect/2/300/1200
Flip: Special Summon 1 "Ivy Token" (Plant-Type/EARTH/1/0 ATK/0 DEF) to
your opponent's field in Defense Position. When the "Ivy Token" is
destroyed, the controller of this Token takes 300 Points of Damage.

CSOC-JP005 Copy Plant
WIND/Plant - Tuner/1/0/0
Activate by selecting 1 face-up Plant-Type monster on the field. Until
this turn's End Phase, this card becomes the identical level as the
selected monster. This effect cannot be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP006 Deformer Mobaphon
EARTH/Machine - Effect/1/100/100
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: Roll a dice once. Pick up and look at an equal number
of cards from top of your deck. If there is a Level 4 or less "Deformer"
monster(s) among these, you can Special summon 1 ignoring any Summon
Restrictions. Shuffle all other cards back to your deck. This effect
cannot be used more than once per turn.
- Defense Position: Roll a dice once. Pick up and look at equal number
of cards from top of your deck and return them on top of the deck. This
effect cannot be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP007 Deformer Magnen U
EARTH/Thunder - Effect/3/800/800
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: If your opponent controls a monster, this card can
only be selected as an attack target by the monster with the highest ATK.
- Defense Position: While this card remains face-up on the field, your
opponent cannot select other monster as attack target.

CSOC-JP008 Deformer Chakkan
FIRE/Pyro - Effect/3/1200/600
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: Inflict 600? points of Damage to your opponent's Life
Points by releasing on your field. You can only use this effect once per
- Defense Position: Once per turn, you can inflict 300? points of Damage
to your opponent's Life Points.

CSOC-JP009 Deformer Radicassen [Rare]
EARTH/Machine - Effect/4/1200/400
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: This card can attack twice during the Battle Phase.
- Defense Position: When a face-up "Deformer" monster you control is
selected as the attack target, you can negate that attack. This effect
can only be used once per turn.

CSOC-JP010 Deformer Cameran [Rare]
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/2/800/600
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: When this card is destroyed by battle, you can
Special Summon 1 Level 4 or less "Deformer" monster from your hand or
Graveyard to your field, except a "Deformer Charamen".
- Defense Position: While this card is face-up, "Deformer" monster
cannot become target of the effect of an Magic or Trap card.

CSOC-JP011 Deformer Radion
LIGHT/Thunder - Effect/4/1000/900
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: While this card is face-up on your side of the field,
increase the ATK of all "Deformer" monsters on your side of the field by
- Defense Position: While this card is face-up on your side of the
field, increase the DEF of all "Deformer" monsters on your side of the
field by 1000.

CSOC-JP012 Deformer Clockn
EARTH/Machine - Effect/2/600/1100
This card gets the following effect below according to this card's position:
- Attack Position: Increase this cards ATK by 600? for each
"Deformer"-Counter on this card.
- Defense Position: Once per turn you can place a "Deformer"-Counter on
this card. When this card is released, inflict damage to your opponent's
Life Points equal to the number of "Deformer"-Counter x 1000.

CSOC-JP013 Gadget Trailer
EARTH/Machine - Effect/6/1300/0
Once per turn, you can sent an amount of "Deformer" monster from your
field to the Graveyard. Increase the ATK of this card by 800 for each
monster sent to the Graveyard by this effect.

CSOC-JP014 Gadget Driver [Rare]
EARTH/Machine - Effect/1/200/200
Activate by sending this card from your hand to the Graveyard. Select
any number of face-up "Deformer" Monster you control, and change their
Position. This effect can also be used in your opponent's turn.

CSOC-JP015 Search Striker [Rare]
WIND/Warrior - Effect/4/1600/1200
If this card attacks a face-down Defense Position monster, you can skip
Damage Calculation and destroy that monster while in face-down Defense
Position. If this effect was activated, change this card to Defense
Position at the end of the Battle-Phase, and until the End-Phase of your
next turn the Position cannot be changed.

CSOC-JP016 Chase Scud
EARTH/Machine - Effect/3/1400/600
Each time this card destroys your opponent's Defense Position monster by
battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict 500 damage to your opponent.

CSOC-JP017 Chain Repairer
EARTH/Warrior - Effect/4/1600/1200
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to
the Graveyard, inflict 300 Points of Damage to your opponent's Life
Points. Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or less "Chain"
monster from your Graveyard, except a Chain Repairer. During a turn this
effect was used, this card cannot attack.

CSOC-JP018 Chain Snake [Rare]
EARTH/Reptile - Effect/3/800/1200
In your Main Phase you can treat this card as an Equip card and equip it
to a face-up monster your opponent controls as a Equip card. Decrease
the ATK and DEF of the equipped monster by 800 Points. If the equipped
monster is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, the controller
of the equipped monster sends from top of his deck a number of cards
equal to the level of that monster to the Graveyard.

CSOC-JP019 Chain Shooter
EARTH/Machine - Effect/2/1100/0
Activate by sending 1 "Chain" monster you control to the Graveyard.
Inflict 800 Points of Damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect
cannot be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP020 Chain Coil
EARTH/Machine - Tuner/3/1100/1600
Activate by selecting 1 "Chain" monster you control. Increase that
monster's ATK and DEF by 300 Points. This effect cannot be used more
than once per turn.

CSOC-JP021 Power Injector
EARTH/Psychic - Effect/4/1300/1400
Activate only by Paying 500 Life Points. For that turn, increase the ATK
of all face-up Psychic-Type monster on the field by 500 Points. This
effect cannot be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP022 Storm Summoner [Super Rare]
WIND/Psychic - Effect/6/2300/2000
While this card is face-up on the field, opponent's monster that are
destroyed by Psychic-Type monster except this card are not sent to the
Graveyard, but placed on top of the opponent's deck instead. When this
card is destroyed by a card effect, this card's controller takes Damage
equal to the ATK of this card.

CSOC-JP023 Psycho Jumper
EARTH/Psychic - Tuner/2/100/1500
Pay 1000 Life Points. Select 1 monster your opponent controls and 1
other Psychic-Type monster you control, and switch control of those
monsters. Their Positions cannot be changed during this turn. This
effect can only be used once per turn.

CSOC-JP024 Weed
EARTH/Plant - Tuner/2/1200/400
If this face-up card on the field is destroyed, you can destroy 1 other
face-up Plant-Type monster you control instead.

CSOC-JP025 Gigant Cephalotus
EARTH/Plant - Effect/4/1850/700
While this card is face-up on the field, increase this card's ATK by 200
Points each time a Plant-Type monster is send from the field to a Graveyard.

CSOC-JP026 Horsetail
WIND/Plant - Effect/2/400/500
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, Special
Summon 1 "Horsetail Token" (Plant-Type/Wind/1/0 ATK/0 DEF) to your
opponent's field in Defense Position. If this token is destroyed by
battle with a Plant-Type monster, the controller of this token randomly
sends 1 card in their hand to the Graveyard.

CSOC-JP027 Botanity Girl [Rare]
WATER/Plant - Effect/3/1300/1100
When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can add 1
Plant-Type monster with 1000 DEF or less from your Deck to your hand.

CSOC-JP028 Cursed Fig [Normal Rare]
WATER/Plant -Effect/1/200/200
When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard,
activate by selecting two set Magic or Trap cards on the field. While
this card is in the Graveyard, the selected card cannot be activated.

CSOC-JP029 Camellia Titanial [Super Rare]
WIND/Plant - Effect/8/2800/2600
Activate only by Releasing 1 face-up Plant-Type monster you control.
Negate the effect of a Magic, Trap or Effect monster card that targets 1
card on the field and destroy it.

CSOC-JP030 Mammoth Zombie [Rare]
EARTH/Undead - Effect/4/1900/0
{If there is no Undead-Type monster in your Graveyard, this card is
destroyed. When this face-up card on the field is destroyed, at that
time the controller of this card takes damage equal to the original ATK
of this card.

CSOC-JP031 Zombie-Carrier [Rare]
DARK/Undead - Tuner/2/400/200
{Select and place 1 card from your hand on top of your deck to activate.
Special Summon this card from your Graveyard. When this card that was
Special Summoned by this effect is removed from the field it is removed
from play.}

CSOC-JP032 Goblin Diversion Force
DARK/Warrior - Effect/4/1000/0
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points,
you can draw 1 card from your deck. If this card attacked, it is changed
to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase, and the Position
cannot be changed until the End-Phase of your next turn.

CSOC-JP033 Swordsman of the United Landstars
EARTH/Warrior - Tuner/3/500/1200
While this card is face-up on the field, the ATK of face-up Warrior-Type
monster you control is increased by 400.

CSOC-JP034 Winged Wata [Super Rare]
LIGHT/Angel - Tuner/1/200/300
Activate by discarding this card from your hand. Effect Damage you take
during this turn is 0. You can activate this effect during your
opponent's turn.

CSOC-JP035 White of Legend [Normal Rare]
LIGHT/Dragon - Tuner/1/300/250
When this card is sent to the Graveyard, add 1 "Blue Eyes White Dragon"
from your deck to your hand.

CSOC-JP036 Tigerdragon [Super Rare]
EARTH/Dragon - Effect/6/2400/1800
When you successfully Advance Summon this card by Releasing a
Dragon-Type monster, you can destroy up to 2 set cards in your
opponent's Magic and Trap Cards Zone.

CSOC-JP037 Jade Knight [Rare]
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/4/1000/1800
While this card is face-up on your side the field, Machine-Type monster
with ATK of 1200 or less on your side of the field are not destroyed by
the effect of Trap cards. When this face-up card is destroyed by battle
and is sent to the Graveyard, you can add 1 level 4 LIGHT-Attribute
Machine-Type monster from your deck to your hand.

CSOC-JP038 Turbo Warrior [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
Wind/Warrior - Synchro/6/2500/1500
"Turbo Synchron" + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
If this card attacks a Level 6 or higher Synchro monster, the ATK of the
attacked monster is halfed. This card cannot be targeted by the effect
of an Effect monster with Level 6 or less.

CSOC-JP039 Black Rose Dragon [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Holographic Rare]
FIRE/Dragon - Synchro/7/2400/1800
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
When this card is successfully Synchro Summoned, you can destroy all
cards on the field. Once per turn, by removing from play a Plant-Type
monster in your Graveyard, change a Defense Position monster your
opponent controls to Attack Position. Until the End Phase of this turn
that monster's ATK becomes 0.

CSOC-JP040 Chain Dragon [Rare]
EARTH/Dragon - Synchro/6/2500/1300
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
You can remove from play all "Chain" monster in your Graveyard. For each
monster removed by this effect, increase the ATK of this card by 200
Points until the End Phase of this turn. When this card inflicts Battle
Damage to your opponent's Life Points, send the top 5 cards from your
opponent's deck to the Graveyard.

CSOC-JP041 Psycho Health-Trancer [Rare]
EARTH/Psychic - Synchro/7/2400/2000
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
Activate by removing from play 1 Psychic-Type monster in your Graveyard.
Increase your Life Points by 1200 Points. This effect cannot be used
more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP042 Hell Bramble [Super Rare]
LIGHT/Plant - Synchro/6/2200/1800
Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner Plant-Type monster
When this card is on the field, each time a player wants to Normal
Summon or Special Summon a Non-Plant-Type monster from their hand, they
have to pay 1000 Life Points per monster.

CSOC-JP043 Deathkaiser Dragon [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
FIRE/Undead - Synchro/6/2400/1500
"Zombiecarrier" + 1 or more Non-Tuner Undead-Type monster
When this card is successfully Special Summoned, you can Special Summon
1 Undead-Type monster from your opponent's Graveyard to your side of the
field in face-up ATK Position. When this card is removed from the field,
the monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed.

CSOC-JP044 Resurrection Dark Ruler Ha Des [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
DARK/Undead - Synchro/6/2450/0
"Zombiecarrier" + 1 or more Non-Tuner Undead-Type monster
While this card is face-up on the field, the effects of Effect monster
destroyed by battle by Undead-Type monster you control are made invalid.

CSOC-JP045 Card Flipper
Normal Magic
Activate by sending 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard. Switch the
Position of all monster your opponent controls.

CSOC-JP046 Fake Seed
Quick-Play Magic
Special Summon 1 Level 2 or lower Plant-Type monster from your hand.

CSOC-JP047 Carved Seal of Rose [Super Rare]
Equip Magic
Activate by removing from play a Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard.
Equip this card to an opponent's monster and gain control of it. During
your End-Phase, your opponent gains control of the equipped monster.
During your Standby Phase, you gain control of the equipped monster.

CSOC-JP048 Black Garden [Super Rare]
Field Magic
When a monster is successfully Normal Summoned or Special Summoned,
except by the effect of "Black Garden", half that monster's ATK, and
Special Summon to the field of the opponent of that monster's controller
1 "Rose Token" (Plant-Type/DARK/2/800 ATK/800 DEF) in Attack Position.
Destroy this card you control and all face-up Plant-Type monster on the
field, you can select 1 monster in your Graveyard with the same ATK as
the combined ATK of the destroyed monster(s) and Special Summon it.

CSOC-JP049 Night Construction of 100 Machines
Quick-Play Magic
Remove from play all "Deformer" monster in your Graveyard. For this turn
only, increase the ATK of 1 face-up Machine-Type monster you control by
200 Points for each monster removed from play by this card's effect.

CSOC-JP050 Deformer Speed Unit [Rare]
Normal Magic
Return one "Deformer" monster from your hand to your deck. Destroy one
card on the field, then draw 1 card from your deck.

CSOC-JP051 Deformer Cord
Equipment Magic
Can only be equipped to a "Deformer" monster. When the position of the
equipped monster is changed, destroy 1 Magic or Trap card on the field.

CSOC-JP052 Deformer Power Unit
Equipment Magic
Can only be equipped to a "Deformer" monster with level 3. Double the
original ATK of the equipped monster. Destroy this card at your second
Standby Phase after equipping this card, and you take Damage equal to
the original ATK of the equipped monster.

CSOC-JP053 Poison Chain
Continuous Magic
If you didn't perform battle during your turn, during the End Phase, you
can send a number of cards from your top of your opponent's deck to the
Graveyard equal to the number of face-up "Chain" monster you control.

CSOC-JP054 Paralize Chain
Continuous Magic
Each time card(s) are sent from your opponent's deck to the Graveyard by
a card effect, inflict 300 Damage to your opponent's Life Points

CSOC-JP055 Aport
Permanent Magic
If your opponent controls a monster, and you control no monster, by
Paying 800 Life Points, you can Special Summon 1 Psychic-Type monster
from your hand. This effect cannot be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP056 Oldest Style Telekinesis [Rare]
Normal Magic
Activate only if you control 1 face-up Psychic-Type monster. Destroy 1
card on the field, and you take 1000 damage.

CSOC-JP057 Grass Fertilizer
Permanent Magic
Once per turn, you can Select and Special Summon 1 Plant-Type monster
from your Graveyard. During a turn you used this effect, you cannot
Normal Summon or Set. When a monster Special Summoned by this effect is
removed from the field, this card is destroyed.

CSOC-JP058 Fragrance Storm
Normal Magic
Destroy 1 face-up Attack Position Plant-Type monster on the field, and
draw 1 card. Also, if the card drawn by this effect is a Plant-Type
monster, you can reveal that card and draw 1 more card.

CSOC-JP059 World Tree
Continuous Magic
When a Plant-Type monster on the field is destroyed, place 1 Flower
Counter on this card. By removing any number of Flower Counter from this
card, the following effect from below is applied:
- 1: Until this turn's End Phase, increase the ATK and DEF of 1 face-up
Plant-Type monster on the field by 400 Points
- 2: Destroy 1 card on the field.
- 3: Select 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard, and Special Summon it.

CSOC-JP060 Immortalic Underworld Cannon [Rare]
Continuous Magic
When a Undead-Type monster is Special Summoned to your field, inflict
500 Points of damage to your opponent's Life Points. This effect cannot
be used more than once per turn.

CSOC-JP061 Village of the Magic-Tribe [Rare]
Field Magic
If you control only Spellcaster-Type monster, your opponent cannot
activate Magic Cards. If you control no Spellcaster-Type monster, you
cannot activate Magic Cards.

CSOC-JP062 Omega Glasses [Normal Rare]
Equip Magic
Equip this card only to a monster you control. Once per turn, randomly
confirm 1 card in your opponent's hand. During the turn you activated
this effect, the equipped monster cannot attack.

CSOC-JP063 Battle-Mania [Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only during your opponent's Standby Phase. All face-up monster
your opponent controls are changed to Attack Position. During this turn,
Positions cannot be changed. Also, monster that can attack must attack
during this turn.

CSOC-JP064 Confusion Chaff
Normal Trap
Activate only when in a Battle Phase a Direct Attack is declared for the
second time. Have that monster battle with the monster that did the
first Direct Attack and do Damage Calculation for that battle.

CSOC-JP065 Urgent Tuning [Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only during a Battle Phase. Synchro Summon a Synchro Monster.

CSOC-JP066 Synchro Strike
Normal Trap
Until the End-Phase, the ATK of 1 Synchro Summoned Monster is increased
by 500 Points * the number of Monster used for the Synchro Summon.

CSOC-JP067 Roar of Pride [Rare]
Normal Trap
During Damage Calculation, if the ATK of your monster is lower than that
of your opponent's monster, activate only by paying that ATK from your
Life Points. For Damage Calculation only, the ATK of your monster is
increased by the difference to the ATK of your opponent's monster + 300

CSOC-JP068 Revival Gift
Normal Trap
Select and Special Summon 1 Tuner-Monster from your Graveyard. The
effect of the monster Special Summoned by this effect is negated.
Special Summon 2 "Gift Demon Token" (Demon/DARK/Level3/1500/1500) to
your opponent's field.

CSOC-JP069 Pedigree of the Destruction God [Super Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only by selecting a face-up Level 8 monster you control during
a turn a Defense Position monster your opponent controls is destroyed.
During this turn, the selected monster can attack twice during the same
Battle Phase.

CSOC-JP070 Doppel Gainer
Continuous Trap
Activate only when you take Effect Damage by an monster effect your
opponent controls. Deal damage to the original Damage you took to your
opponent's Life Points.

CSOC-JP071 Deform
Normal Trap
Activate only when a face-up "Deformer" monster you control is selected
as attack target. Negate the attack of the attacking monster, and change
the Position of the "Deformer" monster selected as attack target.

CSOC-JP072 Deformer Gazer
Continuous Trap
When you successfully Normal Summons, Flip Summons or Special Summons a
"Deformer" monster(s), you can change the Position of the monster to
Defense Position.

CSOC-JP073 Psycho Trigger [Super Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only when your Life Points are lower than your opponent's.
Remove from play 2 Psychic-Type monster in your Graveyard, and draw 2 cards.

CSOC-JP074 Pollinosis
Counter Trap
Activate by Releasing 1 Plant-Type monster you control. Negate the
activation of a Magic or Trap card, or the Normal Summon or Special
Summon of a monster and destroy that card.

CSOC-JP075 The Tiniest Seed Matters
Normal Trap
Activate by Releasing 1 Plant-Type monster you control. Special Summon 2
"Bran Token" (Plant-Type/EARTH/1/ 500 ATK/500 DEF) to your opponent's
field in Defense Position.

CSOC-JP076 Plant Connection
Normal Trap
After activation this card becomes an Equip Card to a Plant-Type monster
you control. The ATK of the equipped monster is increased by 500 Points.
If this card is destroyed by a card effect, you can select and Special
Summon 1 Plant-Type monster in your Graveyard.

CSOC-JP077 Trap of Royal Tomb
Normal Trap
Activate only when an Undead-Type monster was Special Summoned from your
opponent's Graveyard to your field. Destroy 2 cards on the field.

CSOC-JP078 DNA Regular Physical Examination
Normal Trap
Activate by selecting 1 face-down monster you control. Your opponent
declares 2 Attributes. Reveal the selected monster to your opponent and
if has the declared Attribute, your opponent draws 2 cards. If the
Attribute is different, you draw 2 cards.

CSOC-JP079 Feudal Lord Contest
Continuous Trap
Each Player sends monster to the Graveyard, until they only control 1
Attribute respectively. While this card is on the field, each can only
control 1 Monster Attribute respectively.

CSOC-JP080 Big Trap Hole* [Normal Rare]
Normal Trap
Activate only when 2 monsters are Special Summoned. Destroy all monster
on the field.

Il y a 7 Commentaires


Avatar de JADEN-62

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Commentaire #7 posté par JADEN-62 le Dimanche 03 Août 2008 à 23:04

ou trouver des
image de carte


Avatar de joey815

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Commentaire #6 posté par joey815 le Vendredi 01 Août 2008 à 10:17

si kelkun pouvait me dire lé cartes k il y a dans ce paket


Avatar de jordan38370

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Commentaire #5 posté par jordan38370 le Dimanche 27 Juillet 2008 à 10:29

vous pouvez nous donnez des images des cartes si posible ou le lien ou vous avez trouvez sa svp!!!!

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Commentaire #4 posté par le Mercredi 23 Juillet 2008 à 06:28

J'attends avec impatience cette extension vive « Emergency Tunning » « White Legend » et « Tigerdragon ». Enfin à mon gout hein. Si non beau retour en force des plantes et renforcement des zombies (en avaient-ils besoin ces dernier ? Pas a mon gouts, juste rendre certaines carte plus facilement « choppable »)


Avatar de DAD_000

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Commentaire #3 posté par DAD_000 le Mardi 22 Juillet 2008 à 14:14

J'avous ! Gigaplant powwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !


Avatar de azteque

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Commentaire #2 posté par azteque le Dimanche 20 Juillet 2008 à 16:58

enfin une extention qui promet gro


Avatar de jugurtha76

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Grade : [Kuriboh]

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Inscrit le 14/02/2008
227 Messages/ 0 Contributions/ 0 Pts

Commentaire #1 posté par jugurtha76 le Samedi 19 Juillet 2008 à 17:05

On est dans la ****** les decks gigaplante vont revenir au plus haut niveau grace a blackrose et compagnie , en fait je crois que je vais garder mon deck plante ^^

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