Spoiler incomplet de Stardust Overdrive (SOVR)

Posté le Jeudi 09 Juillet 2009 à 17:36 par gatling (8780 lectures)

Dans quelques jours, le booster Stardust Overdrive (SOVR) sortira au Japon dont vous allez voir l’affiche en cliquant sur ce lien :

>> C'est ICI !

Mais ne soyez ni énervé ni triste car je vais vous montrer une partie du spoiler de cette extension.

Bonne lecture !
Aprés des mois d'attentes interminables , voici enfin le spoiler de Stardust Overdrive (SOVR) :

SOVR-JP001 Salvation dragon savior dragon (Rare)
Light/Dragon - Tuner/1/0/0
If this card is used as a synchro material monster, it can only be for the synchro summon of a "savior" monster.

SOVR-JP002 Dragon Xiaolong
Light/Dragon - Effect/1/100/100
When you successfully synchro summon a "savior dragon", you can special summon this card from your graveyard to your field in face-up attack position. This card cannot be destroyed by battle once per turn.

SOVR-JP004 Max Warrior
Wind/Warrior - Effect/4/1800/800
If this card attacks an opponent's monster, dit gains 400 ATK for the duration of the damage step. If this card destoys an opponent's monster by battle, its level becomes 2 and its original ATK and DEF are halved until your next standby phase.

SOVR-JP009 Fortune Lady Windy (Rare)
Wind/Spellcaster - Effect/3/?/?
This card's ATK and DEF become equal to its level x 300. During your standby phase, its level is increased by 1 ( max. level 12). When this card is normal summon, you can destroy a number of magic and trap cards your opponent controls equal to the number of a face-up " fortune lady " monsters you control.

SOVR-JP010 Fortune Lady Watery (Rare)
Water/Spellcaster - Effect/4/?/?
This card's ATK and DEF become equal to its level x 300. During your standby phase, its level is increased by 1 ( max. level 12). If you controls a face-up " fortune lady " other than " fortune lady watery " when this cards is special summoned, draw 2 cards.

SOVR-JP011 Fortune Lady Darky (Rare)
Dark/Spellcaster - Effect/5/?/?
This card's ATK and DEF become equal to its level x 400. During your standby phase, its level is increased by 1 ( max. level 12). While you controls this face-up monster, when a face-up " fortune lady " monster destroys a monster of your opponent's by battle and send it to the graveyard, you can select 1 " fortune lady " monster in your graveyard and special summon it.

SOVR-JP012 Fortune Lady Lighty (Rare)
Light Spellcaster - Effect/6/?/?
This card's ATK and DEF become equal to its level x 400. During your standby phase, its level is increased by 1 ( max. level 12). When this card's level is increased, inflict 400 damage to your opponent.

SOVR-JP013 Infernity Necromancer
Dark/Fiend - Effect/3/0/200
When this card is Normal Summoned it is changed to Defense Position. When you have no cards in your hand, this card gains the following effect: ● Once per turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Infernity" monster, other than "Infernity Necromancer" from your Graveyard

SOVR-JP014 Infernity Salamander

SOVR-JP015 Dark Spider
Dark/Insect - Effect/1/0/0
Once per turn, you can increase the level of 1 insect-type monster you control by 2 until the end phase.

SOVR-JP016 Ground Spider
Earth/Insect - Effect/4/0/1500
If this card you control is in face-up defense position when your opponent successfully normal summons or special summons a monster, you can change that monster to defense position. This effect can only be used once per turn.

SOVR-JP017 Sacrifice Spider
Earth/Insect - Effect/2/300/500
Activate by resealing this card if there 4 or more insect-type monster in your graveyard. Destroy all face-up defense position monster your opponent controls.

SOVR-JP018 Spyder Spider (Rare)
Earth/Insect - Effect/4/1500/1000
If this card destroys an defense position monster your opponent controls by battle, you can select 1 level 4 or lower insect-type monster in your graveyard and special summon it.

SOVR-JP019 Mother Spider (Rare)
Dark/Insect - Effect/6/2300/1200
If only monster(s) in your graveyard are insect-type monsters, you can send 2 face-up defense position monster your opponent controls to the graveyard, and special summon this card from your hand.

SOVR-JP020 Reptiless Gorgon (Rare)
Dark/Reptile - Effect/3/1400/1400
After the calculation damage when this card attacked, the ATK of the monster this card battled with becomes 0 and it cannot change its battle position.

SOVR-JP021 Reptiless Medusa
Dark/Reptile - Effect/6/2200/800
Send 1 card from your hand to the graveyard, activate by selecting 1 face-up monster your opponent controls. The selected monster's ATK becomes 0 and it cannot change its battle position.

SOVR-JP022 Reptiless Scylla
Dark/Reptile - Effect/4/1800/1200
If this card destroys a monster with 0 ATK by battle, you can special summon that monster to your field in face-up defense position. The effects of the monster special summoned by this effect are negated.

SOVR-JP023 Reptiless Viper
Dark/Reptile - Tuner/2/0/0
When this card is successfully normal summoned, you can select a face-up monster with 0 ATK your opponent controls and gain contol over it.

SOVR-JP024 Earthbound God Ccarayhua (Ultra rare/Ultimate rare)
Dark/Reptile - Effect/10/2800/1800
Only 1 " earthbound god " monster can be face-up on the field at the same time. When there is no face-up field magic card on the field, this card is destroyed. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. When tis card is destroyed by a effect card other than its own, destroy all cards on the field.

SOVR-JP025 Earthbound God Uru (Ultra rare/Ultimate rare)
Dark/ Insect - Effect/10/3000/3000
Only 1 " earthbound god " monster can be face-up on the field at the same time. When there is no face-up field magic card on the field, this card is destroyed. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. Once per turn, by releasing 1 other monster you control, select face-up monster your opponent controls, and gain control over it until turn's end phase.

SOVR-JP026 Earthbound God Wiraquocha Rasca (Ultra rare/Ultimate rare)
Dark/Bird - Effect/10/100/100
Only 1 " earthbound god " monster can be face-up on the field at the same time. When there is no face-up field magic card on the field, this card is destroyed. Your opponent cannot select this card as an attack target. This card can attack your opponent directly. When this card is successfully normal summoned, return up 3 other cards you control to your deck, randomly discard a number of cards from your opponent's hand equal to the number of the cards returned, and this card gains ATK equal to the number cards discarded x 1000.

SOVR-JP029 Tuned Magician
Wind/Spellcaster - Dual/4/1800/1600
This card is treated as a normal monster while face-up on the field or in the graveyard. While this card face-up on the field, you can normal summon it again to have it be treated as an effect monster with this effect : * while this card is face-up on the field, it is treated as a tuner.

SOVR-JP30 Crusader Of Endymion
Light/Spellcaster - Dual/4/1900/1200
This card is treated as a normal monster while face-up on the field or in the graveyard. While this card face-up on the field, you can normal summon it again to have it be treated as an effect monster with this effect : * once per turn, you can place 1 spell counter on face-up card on the field that spell counters can be placed on. Until the end phase of a turn in which a spell counter is placed by this effect, this card gains 600 ATK.

SOVR-JP031 Woodland Archer
Earth/Beast-Warrior - Effect/3/1400/1300
This card cannot normal summoned or set. This card cannot be special summoned except while therre are 2 or more normal monsters in your graveyard. By releasing this card, add 1 dual monster from your deck to your hand.

SOVR-JP032 Crimson Demon’s Fighter
Fire/ Warrior - Effect/6/2100/1800
If there are exactly 3 normal monster in your graveyard, you can remove from play 2 normal monster in your graveyard and special summon this card from your harnd. Once per turn, you can special summon 1 level 4 or lower normal monster from your graveyard.

SOVR-JP033 Energy Brave
Light/ Warrior - Effect/4/?/1200
While you control this face-up card, face-up dual monsters you control that were normal summoned again cannot be destroyed.

SOVR-JP037 Ritual Devil Releaser
Dark/Demon - Effect/3/1200/1200
If you ritual summon a ritual monster, you can remove from play this card in your graveyard to treat it as 1 monster for the required level of that ritual summon. While the ritual monster this card was used in the ritual summon for is face-up on the field, your opponent cannot special summon monster.

SOVR-JP038 Ritual Devil Presider
Dark/Demon - Effect/4/1800/1400
If you ritual summon a ritual monster, you can remove from play this card in your graveyard to treat it as 1 monster for the required level of that ritual summon. While the ritual monster this card was used in the ritual summon for destroys a monster by battle, the controller of that ritual monster draws 1 card.

SOVR-JP039 Norsewemko, Beautiful Goddess Of Salvation
Light/Spellcaster- Effect/7/2900/1200
This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Ritual of Salvation". When this card is Ritual Summoned, you can select a number of other face-up cards you control up to the number of monsters used in the Ritual Summon of this card. While this card is face-up, the selected cards cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.

SOVR-JP040 Savior Star Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)
Wind/Dragon - Synchro/10/3800/3000
“Savior dragon” + “stardust dragon” + 1 non-tuner monster
When your opponent activates the effect of a magic, trap or effect monster card, you can release this card to negate that activation, and destroy all cards your opponent controls. Once per turn, you can negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls until the end phase. Also, you can treat the effect(s) of that monster that negated as this card’s effect(s) and activate it once. During the end phase, return this card to the extra deck, and special summon 1 “stardust dragon” from your graveyard.

SOVR-JP041 Black Feather – Silver Wind The Isolated (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
Dark/Bird - Synchro/8/2800/2000
“Black feather” tuner + 2 or more non-tuner monster
When this card is successfully synchro summoned, you can select up to 2 face-up monster on the field with DEF lesser than this card’s ATK and destroy them. You cannot conduct your battle phase during the turn you activated this effect. Also, once during your opponent’s turn, while you control this face-up card, a “black feather” monster you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

SOVR-JP042 Reptiless Lamia
Dark/Reptile - Synchro/6/2100/1500
“Reptiless” tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monster
When this card is successfully synchro summoned, destroy all face-up monster with 0 ATK your opponent controls, and draw a number of cards equal to the number of monsters destroyed.

SOVR-JP043 Fortune Future
Normal Magic Card
Return 1 “frotune lady” monster that is removed from play to the graveyard. Afterwards, draw 2 cards.

SOVR-JP044 Time Passage
Quick-Play Magic Card
Increase the level of 1 face-up “fortune lady” monster you control by 2

SOVR-JP045 Spider Web
Field Magic Card
If a monster declared an attack, that monster is change to defense position at the end of the damage step, and cannot change its battle position until the next turn’s end phase of that monster’s controller.

SOVR-JP046 Earthbound Whirlwind
Normal Magic
Activate only if you control a face-up “earthbound god” monster. Destroy all magic and trap cards your opponent controls.

SOVR-JP047 Savage Coloseum
Field Magic Card
If a monster on the fields attacks, that monster’s controller gains 300 life points at the end of the damage step. While this card on the field, monsters that are able to attack must attack. During the end phase, all face-up attack position monster the turn player controls that did not declare an attack are destroyed.

SOVR-JP048 Attack Pheromone
Continuous Magic Card
If a reptile-type monster you control attacks a defense position monster, that monster is changed to face-up attack position at the end of the damage step.

SOVR-JP049 Molting Escape
Equip Magic Card
Equip only to a reptile-type monster. Once per turn, the equipped monster is not destroyed by battle. At the endof the damage step you used this effect, the equipped monster gains 300 ATK.

SOVR-JP054 Indestructible True Strength
Continuous Magic Card
If your opponent controls a monster(s), and you control no monster, you can special summon 1 level 4 or lower dual monster from your hand. This effect can only be used once per turn.

SOVR-JP056 Ritual Of Salvation
Ritual Magic Card
This card is used to ritual summon “norsewemko, beautiful goddess of salvation”. You must also release monsters whose total levels equal 7 or more from field or your hand. By removing from play this card in your graveyard, 1 face-up ritual monster you control cannot become tageted by effect of magic, trap, or effect monster cards during this turn.

SOVR-JP057 Preparation For The Ritual
Normal Magic Card
Add 1 level 7 or lower ritual monster from your deck to your deck. Afterwards, you can add 1 ritual magic card your graveyard to your hand.

SOVR-JP??? Disregarded Divine Protection
Continuous Magic Card
{UNCONFIRMED: when en opponent’s monster declares an attack, negate this attack by removing from play 1 insect-type monster in your graveyard}

SOVR-JP063 Slip Summon
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent successfully normal, flip or special summons a monster. Special summon 1 level 4 or lower monster from your hand in face-up defense position. The special summoned monster is returned to its owner’s hand during the end phase.

SOVR-JP065 Prophecy Of A Future King
Normal Trap Card
Activate only if spellcaster-type monster attacked end destroyed en opponent’s monster by battle et the end of the damage step. That monster can attack once again in a row. During the turn you activated this card, you cannot normal summon, flip summon, or special summon.

SOVR-JP066 Twist Of Fate
Counter Trap Card
Activate if the only face-up monsters you control are “fortune lady”monsters. Negate 1 of either the activation of a magic or trap card, or the normal summon of a monster, and remove from play that card. During the end phaseof this turn, the card removed from play by this effect is returned to its owner’s hand.

SOVR-JP067 Fortune Inherit
Normal Trap Card
Activate during a turn which a face-up “fortune lady” monster you control is destroyed. You can special summon up to 2 “fortune lady” monsters from your hand during your next standby phase.

SOVR-JP073 Infernity Force
Normal Trap Card
If there are no cards in your hand, activate when an “infernity” monster is selected as the target of an attack. Destroy the attacking monster, and select 1 “infernity” monster in your graveyard and special summon it.

SOVR-JP??? spider egg
Normal Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent declares a direct attack, and if you have 3 or more insect-type monsters in your graveyard. Negate that monster’s attack, and special summon 3 “spider token” (insect-type/EARTH/1/100 ATK/100 DEF) to your field in defense position.

SOVR-JP076 Dual Booster
Normal Trap Card
After activation, this card becomes an equip card that increases the ATK by 700 points, and is equipped to 1 dual monster you control. When the equipped monster and this card are to the graveyard, select 1 face-up dual monster you control, and treat it as normal summoned again.

SOVR-JP077 Ritual Buster
Normal Trap Card
Activate when you successfully ritual summoned a ritual monster. Until your next turn’s standby phase, your opponent cannot use or activate the effects of magic and trap cards.

SOVR-JP??? Devillian Song
Continuous Trap Card
While this card is on the field, the levels of all face-up monsters your opponent controls are decreased by 1.

SOVR-JP??? The Reality Of Nonresistance
Normal Trap Card
When you take battle damage as a result of a monster of your opponent’s attacking you directly, activate by revealing 1 level 1 monster in your hand to your opponent. Special summon it and 1 monster from your deck with the same name.

Source : http://manjyomethunder.twoday.net/stories/5768960/

En récompense à votre petite lecture, je vous offre les quelques images de certaines cartes de cette édition :>> Stardust Overdrive (SOVR) - Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia

Il y a 12 Commentaires


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Commentaire #12 posté par tomy-jaden le Mardi 14 Juillet 2009 à 18:20

[i]s'avior stardust dragon a l'air de déchiré avec ses 3800 point d'atk


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Commentaire #11 posté par gorem le Mardi 14 Juillet 2009 à 16:49

c'est en anglais je comprend rien


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Membre Banni depuis le 02/10/2014 sera débanni le 26/02/2023

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Commentaire #10 posté par mokoa le Lundi 13 Juillet 2009 à 09:31

tjrs pas compris !


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Membre Banni depuis le 16/10/2012 sera débanni le 12/03/2021

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Commentaire #9 posté par gatling le Samedi 11 Juillet 2009 à 20:58

Il n'y a seulement que ces 3 synchros :

SOVR-JP040 Savior Star Dragon (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare/Ghost Rare)
Wind/Dragon - Synchro/10/3800/3000
“Savior dragon” + “stardust dragon” + 1 non-tuner monster
When your opponent activates the effect of a magic, trap or effect monster card, you can release this card to negate that activation, and destroy all cards your opponent controls. Once per turn, you can negate the effect(s) of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls until the end phase. Also, you can treat the effect(s) of that monster that negated as this card’s effect(s) and activate it once. During the end phase, return this card to the extra deck, and special summon 1 “stardust dragon” from your graveyard.

SOVR-JP041 Black Feather – Silver Wind The Isolated (Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare)
Dark/Bird - Synchro/8/2800/2000
“Black feather” tuner + 2 or more non-tuner monster
When this card is successfully synchro summoned, you can select up to 2 face-up monster on the field with DEF lesser than this card’s ATK and destroy them. You cannot conduct your battle phase during the turn you activated this effect. Also, once during your opponent’s turn, while you control this face-up card, a “black feather” monster you control cannot be destroyed by battle.

SOVR-JP042 Reptiless Lamia
Dark/Reptile - Synchro/6/2100/1500
“Reptiless” tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monster
When this card is successfully synchro summoned, destroy all face-up monster with 0 ATK your opponent controls, and draw a number of cards equal to the number of monsters destroyed

à moins qu'il y ait un dragon rouge archedémon savior avec un peu d'espoir. C'est simple, il n'y a rien de compliqué


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Membre Banni depuis le 02/10/2014 sera débanni le 26/02/2023

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Commentaire #8 posté par mokoa le Samedi 11 Juillet 2009 à 19:53

je n'ai pas compris ?!


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Membre Banni depuis le 16/10/2012 sera débanni le 12/03/2021

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Commentaire #7 posté par gatling le Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 23:32

On meys les choses au clair et avec un peu de tristesse, il n'y a pas de red demons dans ce booster à moins qu'il y est un miracle mais il n'y avais seulement que ceux-là.


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Commentaire #6 posté par commandantneri le Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 22:20

c'est une partie du spolier red demon saura dans l'autre partie


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Commentaire #5 posté par Gogeta-ssj4 le Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 16:51

Où est passé Savior Demon Dragon ? Mais il va sortir dans un prochain booster qui s'appellera "Red Demon's Overdrive" !

Bon, n'importe qui aurait su que c'était un fake, xDD ! [mdr]


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Membre Banni depuis le 16/10/2012 sera débanni le 12/03/2021

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Inscrit le 18/05/2009
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Commentaire #4 posté par gatling le Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 15:46

J'aurais bien voulu mettre cela mais cela mets sorti de l'esprit. Le principal, c'est qu'on est le spoiler "en partie" complet


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Commentaire #3 posté par saimon70000 le Vendredi 10 Juillet 2009 à 14:52

Il aurait pus le précisez... ^^

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