Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duel Transer (Wii)

Posté le Samedi 18 Septembre 2010 à 19:25 par haralde (7421 lectures)

Bonjour à tous !

Comme vous le savez, le nouveau jeu qui va sortir sur Wii vers la fin de l'année possède comme souvent 3 cartes promotionnelles.

Mais nous ignorions encore desquelles il s'agissait. Eh bien chers amis, réponse dans la News Attention les yeux !

Sans plus attendre, je vais donc vous présenter les 3 cartes en question, inclues dans le jeu, qui va bientôt fêter sa sortie chez nos amis Nippons !

Voici les cartes :

Fighter's Ape

Fighter's Ape
DARK/Beast-Type - Effect/4/1900/1200
If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, this card gains 300 ATK. If this card didn't attack during your turn, the total number of ATK gained by this effect is returned to 0 during the End Phase of that turn.

Closer Forest

Closer Forest
Field Magic Card
Face-up Beast-Type monster you control gain 100 ATK for each monster in your Graveyard. While this card is on the field, Field Magic Cards cannot be activated. During the turn this card is destroyed, Field Magic Cards cannot be activated.

Roaring Earth

Roaring Earth
Continuous Trap Card
When a Beast-Type Monster you control attacks a Defense Position monster, and its ATK exceeds the attacked monster's DEF, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. When you inflict Battle Damage through this effect, 1 face-up monster your opponent controls loses 500 ATK and DEF.

Comme d'habitude, des cartes plus ou moins sympathiques mais il va falloir s'armer de patience maintenant ...

Bye Bye Duellistes ... et bonnes parties !
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