Nouvelle Règles concernant la priorité à l'invocation

Posté le Lundi 21 Février 2011 à 18:32 par Nanonym (8913 lectures)

Konami a décidé de modifier le rulling concernant la priorité d'effets.
En voici les nouvelles règles ... (ceci s'appliquera à partir du 19 mars 2011, date de sortie du prochain Starter Deck).
Notice as to a change in the way Ignition Monsters work:

For those who play the Yu-Gi-Oh! Official Card Game, we always wish to improve the game so that our customers can enjoy an exciting Duel at any time. Though we commonly change the rules of each card we make for the concerns of Game Balannce, at this time, we would like to announce we are changing the way monsters' Ignition Effects work.

Date of the Ruling Change being applied
Saturday, March 19, 2011

This ruling goes into effect on Saturday, March 19th, 2011, which is the same date as the release of our Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Official Card Game "Starter Deck".

The Point of the Rule's Change:
Monsters with Ignition Effects could activate their effects at the same time they were Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned.

Monsters with Ignition Effects cannot activate their effects at the same time they were Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned.

A monster's Ignition Effect basically becomes an effect that can be activated during the Main Phase so long as there is nothing else going on at the same time. So now, if another effect or action is resolving, you cannot activate an Ignition Effect until the timing of that specific effect has ended.

You can continue to use the old ruling of using Ignition Effects when you Normal, Flip, or Special Summon until March 18th, 2011 ends. Afterward, it is forbidden to do so from March 19th, 2011 onwards.

Pour faire bref, on ne peut plus faire notre priorité d'effet avec des monstres du style Dragon Armé des Ténèbres, Brionac, etc ...
Les monstres ayant des effets qui s'activent à l'invocation comme les Monarques ou les Gadgets voient quand même leurs effets activés.
Donc, si un joueur invoque un Brionac et que le joueur répond par une Trappe sans Fond, le joueur A ne pourra pas activer l'effet de Brionac.

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