Spoiler TCG PHSW Complet

Posté le Samedi 05 Novembre 2011 à 19:46 par Marshmallangel (6711 lectures)


Avec 100 nouvelles cartes pour votre Deck, Onde de Choc Photon va libérer une énergie incroyable qui s’accumulait depuis l’aube de la création. Ne laissez pas cette énergie vous submerger!

En effet, avec la sortie de Cartes tel que Rescue Rabbit, une Carte qui avant sa sortie a déjà atteint plus de $100, cette extension risque de faire un boom.
Spoiler dans la suite de la News

La Carte de Preview est Alexandrite Dragon, un Monstre Normal Dragon Lumière avec 2000 ATK!

Si vous participez a la Preview voila le Playmat de l'Extension

Maintenant place au spoiler :

PHSW-EN000 Alexandrite Dragon : Super Rare / Ultra Rare ÉDITION LIMITÉE
PHSW-EN001 Bunilla
PHSW-EN002 Rabidragon
PHSW-EN003 Rai-Rider
PHSW-EN004 Stinging Swordsman
PHSW-EN005 Kagetokage : Rare
PHSW-EN006 Acorno
PHSW-EN007 Pinecono
PHSW-EN008 Friller Rabca : Super Rare
PHSW-EN009 Shark Stickers
PHSW-EN010 Needle Sunfish
PHSW-EN011 Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN012 Daybreaker : Rare
PHSW-EN013 Light Serpent : Super Rare
PHSW-EN013 Plasma Ball
PHSW-EN015 Photon Cerebrus : Rare
PHSW-EN016 Evoltile Gephyro
PHSW-EN017 Evoltile Westlo : Super Rare
PHSW-EN018 Evoltile Odonto
PHSW-EN019 Evolsaur Cerato : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN020 Evolsaur Vulcano : Rare
PHSW-EN021 Evolsaur Diplo : Rare
PHSW-EN022 Wind-Up Warrior
PHSW-EN023 Wind-Up Knight : Rare
PHSW-EN024 Wind-Up Hunter : Super Rare
PHSW-EN025 Wind-Up Bat
PHSW-EN026 Wind-Up Kitten : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN027 D.D. Telepon : Rare
PHSW-EN028 Wattcobra
PHSW-EN029 Naturia Marron
PHSW-EN030 Prior of the Ice Barrior
PHSW-EN031 Senior Silver Ninja
PHSW-EN032 Rodenut
PHSW-EN033 FengHuang : Super Rare
PHSW-EN034 Tribe Shocking Virus : Rare
PHSW-EN035 Goblin Pothole Squad
PHSW-EN036 Creepey Coney
PHSW-EN037 Rescue Rabbit : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN038 Baby Tiragon : Rare
PHSW-EN039 Number 83: Galaxy Queen : Super Rare
PHSW-EN040 Black Ray Lancer : Super Rare
PHSW-EN041 Number 10: Illuminight : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN042 Number 20: Giga Brilliant : Super Rare
PHSW-EN043 Evolzar Laggia : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN044 Thunder End Dragon : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN045 Attrafic Control
PHSW-EN046 Ego Boost
PHSW-EN047 Monster Slots
PHSW-EN048 Cross Attack
PHSW-EN049 Xyz Gift : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN050 Photon Veil : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN051 Photon Lead
PHSW-EN052 Photon Booster : Rare
PHSW-EN053 Evo-Karma
PHSW-EN054 Evo-Miracle
PHSW-EN055 Overwound Spring
PHSW-EN056 Extra Gate : Super Rare
PHSW-EN057 Shard of Greed : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN058 Murmur of the Forest : Rare
PHSW-EN059 Tri-Wight
PHSW-EN060 One Day of Peace
PHSW-EN061 Space Cyclone
PHSW-EN062 Poisonous Winds
PHSW-EN063 Heartfelt Appeal
PHSW-EN064 Fiery Fervor
PHSW-EN065 Damage Diet
PHSW-EN066 Copy Knight : Rare
PHSW-EN067 Mirror Mail
PHSW-ENo68 Fish Rain
PHSW-EN069 Icy Crevasse
PHSW-EN070 Lumenize
PHSW-EN071 Evolutionary Bridge
PHSW-EN072 Zenmairch
PHSW-EN073 Wattcancel
PHSW-EN074 Champion's Vigilance
PHSW-EN075 Darklight : Super Rare
PHSW-EN076 Tyrant's Throes : Rare
PHSW-EN077 Sound the Retreat
PHSW-EN078 Deep Dark Trap Hole : Rare
PHSW-EN079 Eisbahn : Rare
PHSW-EN080 Sealing Ceremony of Suiton
PHSW-EN081 Photon Sabre Tiger : Super Rare
PHSW-EN082 Evolsaur Pelta : Rare
PHSW-EN083 Wind-Up Rabbit : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN084 D-Boyz : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN085 Latinum, Exarch of Dark World : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN086 Evolzar Dolkka : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN087 Wind-Up Zenmaines : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN088 Xyz Territory : Rare
PHSW-EN089 Dark Smog : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN090 Sergeant Electro : Ultra Rare
PHSW-EN091 Vylon Ohm
PHSW-EN092 Laval Dual Slasher
PHSW-EN093 Gem-Turtle : Super Rare
PHSW-EN094 Laval Lancelord
PHSW-EN095 Gishki Beast : Rare
PHSW-EN096 Gem-Knight Emerald : Rare
PHSW-EN097 Junk Defender : Rare
PHSW-EN098 Metaion the Time Lord : Secret Rare
PHSW-EN099 Infernity Knight : Super Rare

Dans l'ensemble, une extension relativement décente avec le retour des Rescue Animal, espérons juste que le lapin ne souffrira pas de la ban comme l'a fait Rescue Cat, en tout cas pas toute de suite.

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