Posté le Mardi 06 Décembre 2011 à 08:35 par camo (14094 lectures)
SD22-JP001 Lightpulsar Dragon (Ultra Rare)
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monsters from your Graveyard. You can Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard) by sending 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monsters from your hand to the Graveyard. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard: You can target 1 Level 5 or higher DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target.
SD22-JP002 Darkflare Dragon (Ultra Rare)
You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monsters from your Graveyard. Once per turn: You can send 1 Dragon-Type monster each from your hand and Deck to the Graveyard to target 1 card from either player's Graveyard; banish that target.
SD22-JP003 Eclipse Wyvern (Super Rare)
If this card is sent to the Graveyard: You can banish 1 Level 7 or higher LIGHT or DARK Dragon-Type monster in your Deck. Then, if this card in the Graveyard is banished: You can add the monster banished by this effect to your hand.
SD22-JP004 Blue-Eyes White Dragon
SD22-JP005 Red-Eyes B. Dragon
SD22-JP006 The White Stone of Legend
SD22-JP007 Red-Eyes B. Chick
SD22-JP008 Axe Dragonute
SD22-JP009 Vice Dragon
SD22-JP010 Gragonith, Lightsworn Dragon
SD22-JP011 Prime Material Dragon
SD22-JP012 Dark Armed Dragon
SD22-JP013 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
SD22-JP014 Chaos Sorcerer
SD22-JP015 Cyber Dragon
SD22-JP016 Lord of D.
SD22-JP017 Summoner Monk
SD22-JP018 Snipe Hunter
SD22-JP019 Jain, Lightsworn Paladin
SD22-JP020 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress
SD22-JP021 Kaibaman
SD22-JP022 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
SD22-JP023 Chaos Zone
Each time a monster(s) is banished, place 1 Chaos Counter on this card for each of those monsters. Once per turn: You can remove 4 or more Chaos Counters from your side of the field to target 1 of your banished monsters whose Level is equal to the number of Chaos Counters removed; Special Summon that target. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard by an opponent's card effect: You can add 1 LIGHT or DARK monster from your Deck to your hand whose Level is equal to or less than the number of Chaos Counters that this card had.
SD22-JP024 Burst Stream of Destruction
SD22-JP025 Inferno Fire Blast
SD22-JP026 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
SD22-JP027 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
SD22-JP028 Book of Moon
SD22-JP029 Magical Stone Excavation
SD22-JP030 Reasoning
SD22-JP031 Monster Gate
SD22-JP032 D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation
SD22-JP033 Charge of the Light Brigade
SD22-JP034 Light of Redemption
SD22-JP035 Dragon Reincarnation
Banish 1 face-up Dragon-Type monster you control; Special Summon 1 Dragon-Type monster (from your hand or Graveyard).
SD22-JP036 Burst Breath
SD22-JP037 Call of the Haunted
SD22-JP038 Interdimensional Matter Transporter
SD22-JP039 Escape from the Dark Dimension
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