Galactic Overlord - Spoiler !

Posté le Mercredi 02 Mai 2012 à 11:48 par goldwing (8205 lectures)

Code :
 Ca y est la nouvelle édition Le Seigneur de la Galaxie vient d'être spoiler ! 

bref les amie venons y au fait sans plus vous attendre

Code :
Ghost Rare (1)

GAOV-EN041 Neo-Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon

Code :
Secret Rare (8)

GAOV-EN006 Cardcar D
GAOV-EN043 Photon Strike Bounzer
GAOV-EN048 Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
GAOV-EN085 Tardy Orc
GAOV-EN087 Trial and Tribulation
GAOV-EN088 Hieratic Seal From the Ashes
GAOV-EN090 Number 11: Big Eye
GAOV-EN091 Number 7: Lucky Straight

Code :
Ultra Rare/Ultimate Rare (10)

GAOV-EN025 Hieratic Dragon of Sutekh
GAOV-EN041 Neo-Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
GAOV-EN042 Number 32: Shark Drake
GAOV-EN045 Number 25: Force Focus
GAOV-EN050 Inzektor Exa-Stag
GAOV-EN055 Night Beam
GAOV-EN062 Xyz Unit
GAOV-EN073 Zekt Conversion
GAOV-EN086 Draconnection
GAOV-EN092 Beetron

Code :
Super Rare (14)

GAOV-EN000 Noble Knight Artorigus
GAOV-EN004 Tasuke Knight
GAOV-EN009 Hammer Bounzer
GAOV-EN015 Jumbo Drill
GAOV-EN019 Hieratic Dragon of Gebeb
GAOV-EN046 Gaia Dragon, the Thunder Charger
GAOV-EN047 Hieratic Dragon King of Atum
GAOV-EN049 Queen Dragun Djinn
GAOV-EN051 Bound Wand
GAOV-EN072 Hieratic Seal of Reflection
GAOV-EN077 Spiritual Light Art - Hijiri
GAOV-EN083 Evoltile Elginero
GAOV-EN098 Shining Elf
GAOV-EN099 Flelf

Code :
Rare (20)

GAOV-EN005 Gagaga Gardna
GAOV-EN008 Hammer Shark
GAOV-EN016 Rocket Arrow Express
GAOV-EN022 Hieratic Dragon of Tefnuit
GAOV-EN024 Hieratic Dragon of Asar
GAOV-EN031 Inzektor Giga-Cricket
GAOV-EN032 Lightray Sorcerer
GAOV-EN034 Lightray Gearfried
GAOV-EN035 Lightray Diabolos
GAOV-EN037 Absorbing Jar
GAOV-EN044 Photon Papilloperative
GAOV-EN056 Hieratic Seal of Convocation
GAOV-EN058 Evo-Diversity
GAOV-EN059 Evo-Price
GAOV-EN060 Final Inzektion
GAOV-EN061 Inzektor Crossbow - Zektarrow
GAOV-EN071 Hieratic Seal of Banishment
GAOV-EN076 Dimension Slice
GAOV-EN081 Ancient Dragon
GAOV-EN084 Lightray Grepher

Code :
Common (48)

GAOV-EN001 Wattaildragon
GAOV-EN002 Hieratic Seal of the Sun Dragon Overlord
GAOV-EN003 Overlay Owl
GAOV-EN007 Overlay Eater
GAOV-EN010 Blade Bounzer
GAOV-EN011 Phantom Bounzer
GAOV-EN012 Morpho Butterspy
GAOV-EN013 Swallowtail Butterspy
GAOV-EN014 Moonlit Papillon
GAOV-EN017 Cameraclops
GAOV-EN018 Hieratic Dragon of Nuit
GAOV-EN020 Hieratic Dragon of Eset
GAOV-EN021 Hieratic Dragon of Nebthet
GAOV-EN023 Hieratic Dragon of Su
GAOV-EN026 Evoltile Lagosucho
GAOV-EN027 Evolsaur Darwino
GAOV-EN028 Inzektor Firefly
GAOV-EN029 Inzektor Ladybug
GAOV-EN030 Inzektor Earwig
GAOV-EN033 Lightray Daedalus
GAOV-EN036 Lady of D.
GAOV-EN038 Red-Headed Oni
GAOV-EN039 Flame Tiger
GAOV-EN040 Nomadic Force
GAOV-EN052 Mini Guts
GAOV-EN053 Falling Current
GAOV-EN054 Berserk Scales
GAOV-EN057 Hieratic Seal of Supremacy
GAOV-EN063 That Wacky Magic!
GAOV-EN064 Constellar Belt
GAOV-EN065 Storm
GAOV-EN066 Nitwit Outwit
GAOV-EN067 Gamushara
GAOV-EN068 Commander of Swords
GAOV-EN069 Bounzer Guard
GAOV-EN070 Butterflyoke
GAOV-EN074 Inzektor Gauntlet
GAOV-EN075 Return
GAOV-EN078 Sealing Ceremony of Raiton
GAOV-EN079 Aquamirror Cycle
GAOV-EN080 Double Payback
GAOV-EN082 Hieratic Seal of the Dragon King
GAOV-EN089 Xyz Wrath
GAOV-EN093 Influence Dragon
GAOV-EN094 Bright Star Dragon
GAOV-EN095 Buten
GAOV-EN096 Doom Donuts
GAOV-EN097 Nimble Manta

Bref Pour ma part, cette extension sa va être du délire .Et surtout prenez du plaisir a jouer a YU-GI-OH !

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