Le Sceau d'Orichalque arrive en version TCG jouable !

Posté le Mercredi 11 Juillet 2012 à 19:26 par chaos_soldier (12786 lectures)

Comme je vous l'avais annoncé il y a une semaine dans cette News, un nouveau Legendary Collection va sortir en TCG avant la fin de l'année. Il contiendra de très nombreuses surprises (telles que le Sceau d'Orichalque, le Jeton Gorz, des cartes Mythiques rééditées en Secret Rare, ...) que je vous laisse découvrir dans la suite de cette News !
The Seal of Orichalcos!

The most long-awaited card in the history of Dueling is FINALLY here!

During Season 4 (“Waking the Dragons”) of the original Yu-Gi-Oh! TV series, this ultimate weapon of ancient Atlantis cut a path right through our heroes, and became legendary as one of the most powerful cards in existence.

The Seal of Orichalcos is a Field Spell card with three key powers:
1. Gives all your monsters +500 Attack Points.
2. Highly resistant to removal from the field.
3. Allows your stronger monsters to protect your weaker ones.

Each box of Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World comes with a Seal of Orichalcos of your very own, with all three of these powers – and it’s 100% tournament legal!

Classic Series Mega-Packs

One of the most popular items in last year’s Legendary Collection was the new concept of Mega-Packs, bursting with 3 foil cards per pack from a gigantic mega-set.

This time, we’re giving classic Yu-Gi-Oh! the Mega-Pack treatment! Each copy of Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World comes with five 9-card Mega-Packs, each with 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare, and 5 Common cards per pack, from the biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG booster set ever created.

Highlights of this 306-card mega-mega-set include:

•Over one hundred of Yugi’s most famous Monsters, Spells, and Traps.
•Famous cards from some of Yugi’s most notorious enemies, including Pegasus, Bakura, Rafael, and Marik.
•Secret Rare versions of legendary cards that have stood the test of time, like Mirror Force, Solemn Judgment, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Mystical Space Typhoon, Book of Moon, Dark Hole, and Black Horn of Heaven.
•Secret Rare versions of many ‘recruiter’ monsters like Mystic Tomato, Giant Rat, UFO Turtle, Shining Angel, Mother Grizzly, Flying Kamikari #1, and Pyramid Turtle.
•Ultra Rare versions of almost every Gravekeeper’s card.
•Foil up your Deck, with foil versions of Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, Bottomless Trap Hole, Upstart Goblin, Chaos Sorcerer, Dragged Down into the Grave, Reckless Greed, and Raigeki Break.
•Easy-to-get, common versions of popular tournament-level classic-era and classic-themed cards, including Chain Disappearance, Gold Sarcophagus, Solemn Warning, and Soul Taker.
•Many cards from a decade ago reprinted in their original rarities. If you were too young to collect these cards when they first came out, now you have a second chance to get a Super Rare Reinforcement of the Army, an Ultra Rare Morphing Jar or Royal Decree, or even a Secret Rare Dark Magician Girl.
•The biggest Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG booster set EVER – over 300 cards.
•Intimidated by the set size, but looking to foil out your Deck? Fear not! These packs are designed so that popular tournament-level cards will be easier to pull.
•All cards printed with updated text that’s easier to understand.

Extra Bonus Cards & Tokens

In addition to five Mega-Packs and The Seal of Orichalcos, each box comes with 6 additional Ultra Rare cards:

•A NEW Token depicting the Emissary of Darkness – the Token monster summoned by Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, featuring special art showing the Emissary as it appeared in the Yu-Gi-Oh! R manga series.
•TWO NEW Tokens depicting the cuddly Kuriboh – two different art versions of one of Yugi’s most iconic monsters.
•THREE monsters celebrating three of Yugi’s most fearsome foes: Bakura’s Dark Necrofear, Rafael’s Guardian Eatos, and the Big Five’s Five-Headed Dragon!

Collapsible Hard-Surface Game Board

It’s not just a Game Mat, it’s a hard-surface Game Board! This fold-up, double-sided Game Board gives you a durable and portable way to Duel – and Duel in style!

First of its kind to release anywhere in the world, the Game Board folds up to easily fit in your backpack or binder, and folds out to give you a durable, flat, steady surface to Duel on. One side features Yugi – King of Games, the other is emblazoned with the image of the Orichalcos.

Become the Tenth Disciple of the Orichalcos!

You watched as Nine Duelists used The Seal of Orichalcos: Gurimo, Mai, Alister, Rafael, Valon, Weevil, Rex, Dartz… and Yugi himself!

Now, after ten years of Yu-Gi-Oh! in North America, a tenth Duelist will unleash the power of The Seal – and that tenth Duelist will be YOU.

Do not deny the power of the Orichalcos!

Each Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World contains 52 cards:

1 Ultra Rare The Seal of Orichalcos
1 Ultra Rare Five-Headed Dragon
1 Ultra Rare Dark Necrofear
1 Ultra Rare Guardian Eatos
3 Ultra Rare Tokens – 2 with Kuriboh and 1 with the Emissary of Darkness
1 collapsible, hard-backed, double-sided Game Board
5 Legendary Collection 3 Mega-Packs, each with 1 Secret Rare, 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare, and 5 commons PER PACK.

GRAND TOTAL PER BOX: 5 Secret Rares, 9 Ultra Rares (including The Seal of Orichalcos), 3 Ultra Rare tokens, 5 Super Rares, 5 Rares, 25 Commons, plus the collapsible double-sided Game Board!

Pour les non-anglophones, voici un petit résumé de ce qui vous attend :

Le Legendary Collection 3: Yugi’s World sortira le 12 Octobre 2012.
Il contiendra :
- un playmat double pour 2 joueurs,
- 5 Mega-Packs contenant chacun : 1 Ultra Rare, 1 Super Rare, 1 Rare, et 5 Communes, et + de 300 cartes au total,
- 1 Ultra Rare The Seal of Orichalcos,
- 1 Ultra Rare Dragon à Cinq Têtes,
- 1 Ultra Rare Necrofear des Ténèbres,
- 1 Ultra Rare Guardien Eatos,
- 3 Ultra Rare Tokens : 2 Kuriboh (2 visuels différents) et 1 Gorz, l'Emissaire des Ténèbres.

Le Sceau d'Orichalque aura les effets suivants :
1. Augmenter l'ATK de tous vos Monstres de 500 Points.
2. Résistance aux effets (inconnus pour l'instant en détail) pour le rendre difficile à retirer du Terrain.
3. Protection de vos Monstres les plus faibles grâce à vos Monstres les plus forts.

Les cartes que vous pourrez trouver dans le booster Mega-Pack :

Secret Rare : Force de Miroir, Jugement Solennel, Sept Outils du Bandit, Typhon d'Espace Mystique, Le Livre de la Lune, Trou Noir, Corne Céleste Ténébreuse, Tomate Mystique, Rat Géant, Tortue Ovni, Ange Lumineux, Mère Grizzly, Kamikari Volant n°1, Tortue Pyramide, Magicienne des Ténèbres (visuel original très probablement; MFC et RDS pour les connaisseurs).

Ultra Rare : la majorité des Protecteurs du Tombeau, Morphojarre, Décret Royal

Super Rare : Renfort de l'Armée, Bowganian

Foil (inconnue) : Violent Orage, Monster Reborn, Trappe Sans Fond, Gobelin Parvenu, Sorcier du Chaos, Entrainé dans la Tombe, Avidité Téméraire, Interruption de Raigeki.

Communes : Disparition en Chaîne, Sarcophage Doré, Avertissement Divin, Voleur d'Esprit.

On trouvera plus de 100 cartes jouées par Yugi dans l'animé, des cartes jouées par Pegasus, Bakura, Rafael, et Marik.


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