Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - Kotodama [MRL-095]

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MDM-F095Le Maître des MagiesC2.50 €
DB1-EN058Dark Beginning 1C0.20 €
MRL-095Magic RulerC0.10 €
TU07-FR014Paquet Turbo - Numéro SeptC1.00 €


Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : Kotodama

Rareté : Commune

Attribut :

Niveau/Rang : 3

Edition : Magic Ruler

Id : MRL-095

Texte de la Carte


If there are face-up monsters with the same name on the field, destroy those monsters. (If a monster is Summoned or flipped face-up that has the same name as a monster that is already face-up on the field, the new face-up monster is destroyed. If they are Summoned or flipped face-up at the same time, they are all destroyed.)

ATK/0   DEF/1600
