Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - Spiritual Energy Settle Machine [LOD-082]

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DB2-FR191Genèse Ténébreuse 2C0.20 €
LOD-082Legacy of DarknessC0.10 €


Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : Spiritual Energy Settle Machine

Rareté : Commune

Attribut :

Type Magie : Continue

Edition : Legacy of Darkness

Id : LOD-082

Texte de la Carte

As long as this card remains face-up on the field, all Spirit monsters remain face-up on the field and do not return to their owner's hand during the End Phase even if they are Summoned or flipped face-up. Discard 1 card from your hand to the Graveyard during each of your End Phases. If you do not, destroy this card. When this card is removed from the field, all face-up Spirit monsters return to the owner's hands immediately.
