Carte Yu-Gi-Oh! - Destruction Punch [LON-085]

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DB2-FR018Genèse Ténébreuse 2C0.20 €
LDC-F085Labyrinthe des CauchemarsR2.00 €
LON-085Labyrinth of NightmareR2.00 €


Nom en Français :

Nom en Anglais : Destruction Punch

Rareté : Rare

Attribut :

Type Piège : Normal

Edition : Labyrinth of Nightmare

Id : LON-085

Texte de la Carte

If the ATK of an attacking monster on your opponent's side of the field is lower than the DEF of the attacked Defense Position monster, destroy the attacking monster at the end of the Damage Step. (Damage calculation is applied normally.)
